Amber Archive May 2010 by subject
- [AMBER] 'process_mdout.perl' script
- [AMBER] (no subject)
- [AMBER] 1,2 -dichloroethane solvent model
- [AMBER] [Fwd: MM-PBSA problem.. large delta (PBTOT, GAS, VdW, INT)]
- [AMBER] [Fwd: problem in bond connection]
- [AMBER] a possible typo bug while building pmemd with mpi
- [AMBER] a recent review about force fields
- [AMBER] About MM-PBSA's extracting coordinate scirpt
- [AMBER] about mpirun in AMBER
- [AMBER] about SHAKE and double x single precision
- [AMBER] about VMD's molecular surface area calculation
- [AMBER] adding salt for MM_PBSA
- [AMBER] after equil surface of octahedral water-box have small well shaped arrangement of water
- [AMBER] amber
- [AMBER] AMBER (will two K+ ions retain their numbering?)
- [AMBER] amber 10 parallel test run error
- [AMBER] Amber 11 SRPM?
- [AMBER] Amber 11- updated scripts for constant pH simulations and for MMPB/SA
- [AMBER] amber compilation error
- [AMBER] Amber with MPI (GNU and Intel) on Mac SL
- [AMBER] amber10 installation error in linux
- [AMBER] amber10 installation error in linux (openmpi error)
- [AMBER] AMBER10 installation on OSX
- [AMBER] amber10 installtion error in parallel
- [AMBER] amber11 PMEMD cuda problem. (sometimes stopped...)
- [AMBER] AmberTool 1.4 with Intel 10.1.014 on snow leopard
- [AMBER] Ambertools 1.4 installation cygwin
- [AMBER] ambertools 1.4, tests
- [AMBER] AmberTools-1.4 Test Problem
- [AMBER] AmberTools.pdf (AT 1.4)
- [AMBER] analysis of results
- [AMBER] Announcement: Release of DOCK 6.4
- [AMBER] antechamber
- [AMBER] Anton supercomputer
- [AMBER] AT1.4 installation errors (logs are attached)
- [AMBER] Atom out of bounds/prepin file problem
- [AMBER] B-factor
- [AMBER] Calculating Self-Diffusion Coefficients
- [AMBER] Can I define target MD or steered MD with mean square internal deviation (MSID) using AMBER 10?
- [AMBER] Can I get interaction energy between two motifs in diffrent domains in the same protein through MD simulations?
- [AMBER] Can read NETCDF format trajectory file ?
- [AMBER] can't make proper use of IGB flag, it cause "input conversion error"
- [AMBER] can't make proper use of IGB flag, it cause "inputconversion error"
- [AMBER] can't make proper use of IGB flag, it cause"inputconversion error"
- [AMBER] checkgrid command rdparm
- [AMBER] Chloroform solvent model
- [AMBER] color images from 2drms
- [AMBER] Compiling Amber10 on Mac Snow Leopard with gcc/gfortran
- [AMBER] Compiling MPI and CUDA on Amber 11
- [AMBER] compiling problem,
- [AMBER] Contour plots of 2D WHAM
- [AMBER] conversion to netcdf format
- [AMBER] Coordinate arrays in sander
- [AMBER] CPU core requirements for GPU Amber?
- [AMBER] crash in minimization step
- [AMBER] CUDA Segfault GTX470
- [AMBER] davies bouldin index and DME
- [AMBER] Davies Bouldin Index with DME
- [AMBER] Davies Bouldin Index with DME in ptraj
- [AMBER] Defunction of ibelly in Sander
- [AMBER] Dipoles calculation
- [AMBER] discontinous residues
- [AMBER] distance restraint
- [AMBER] Does AMBER10 support REMD with AMOEBA?
- [AMBER] Dynamic Cross Correlation Map
- [AMBER] Energy minimization OR black art
- [AMBER] Energy of Water Molecules
- [AMBER] entropy problem
- [AMBER] entropy-problem
- [AMBER] EP with ff99SB
- [AMBER] equilibration
- [AMBER] error - binding_energy.mmpbsa run
- [AMBER] Error in umbrella run in AMBER 10
- [AMBER] Error while compiling GPU version of PMEMD in Amber 11
- [AMBER] esp and resp with pcgamess
- [AMBER] explanation for three rdf files
- [AMBER] External Electric Field
- [AMBER] FF02EP force field
- [AMBER] freezing selected residues
- [AMBER] fsetpos failed on when looking for box coordinates
- [AMBER] hbond and acceptor definition
- [AMBER] help about test failures
- [AMBER] how to add Mg2+
- [AMBER] How to analyze without printing out mdcrd
- [AMBER] How to calculate ensemble-averaged electrostatic calculations with VMD?
- [AMBER] How to design starting geometries for steered MD? How to check convergence of the results?
- [AMBER] How to disable the 1-4 interaction
- [AMBER] How to disable the VDW interaction?
- [AMBER] How to do clustering with ptraj?
- [AMBER] how to get decomposed energies of every snapshot
- [AMBER] How to interpret ptraj clustering results
- [AMBER] How to interpret the results of ptraj/contacts
- [AMBER] How to make ionic liquid solvent box?
- [AMBER] How to obtain dialsplot
- [AMBER] How to obtain interdomain angles
- [AMBER] How to output partial part of the result in output file
- [AMBER] How to run xleap with PC, when amber10 was installed remoted in supercomputer?
- [AMBER] Hybridization state effects
- [AMBER] ifbox=2 in prmtop but angles are not correct
- [AMBER] installation of amber
- [AMBER] Installation of Amber10
- [AMBER] installation on MacOS10.6
- [AMBER] Installing AmberTools 1.4 in Ubuntu 10.04
- [AMBER] installing AmberTools 1.4 on AIX
- [AMBER] interaction free energy between a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon covalently linked to DNA and the DNA
- [AMBER] Iodine ESP
- [AMBER] Is AMBER 10 compatible with notebook?
- [AMBER] Is it necessary to use Gaussian03?
- [AMBER] Is it possible to plot RMSd VS residue number for a protein?
- [AMBER] Is the results of NAMD equals to AMBER's sander?
- [AMBER] Kirkwood g factor
- [AMBER] leap issues
- [AMBER] MAC version of the GTX 285 and PMEMD.CUDA
- [AMBER] make test.parallel never finishes
- [AMBER] MBAR on TI data
- [AMBER] md simulation-cap
- [AMBER] meaning of time correlation function
- [AMBER] Measure distances and angles with ptraj
- [AMBER] minimization with pmemd and gbsa=1
- [AMBER] Missing BELE for MM in 1 (residue 1)
- [AMBER] MM-PB/SA (ERROR IN SETPAR() upon atom distribution)
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA problem.. large delta (PBTOT, GAS, VdW, INT)
- [AMBER] update
- [AMBER] update install problem
- [AMBER] molecular dynamics set up
- [AMBER] Mutations and minimizations
- [AMBER] NaNs in wham analysis
- [AMBER] NMR distance restraints read but not used
- [AMBER] nmr order parameter and autocorrelation
- [AMBER] NMR restraint ?
- [AMBER] nmr restraints
- [AMBER] non-standard residue parameters
- [AMBER] nothing is written to .mdcrd file
- [AMBER] ntpr ntwx too small
- [AMBER] NTT=3 or NTT=1
- [AMBER] ntx value for MMPBSA normal mode analysis
- [AMBER] Odd softcore potential TI problem
- [AMBER] Parallel installation of AMBER 11 on MacOSX
- [AMBER] parameters for MSE (selenomethionine)
- [AMBER] parsing expressions in the radial function of ptraj
- [AMBER] Percholate ions
- [AMBER] personalized addition of H atoms in proteins with tleap
- [AMBER] PIMD average trajectory
- [AMBER] PLUMED release 1.2.0 available
- [AMBER] PMEMD installation with gfortran
- [AMBER] PMEMD installation with gfortran - solved !
- [AMBER] pmemd.cuda segmentation fault with iwrap=1 on NVT/NVE
- [AMBER] Positive Etot value
- [AMBER] Prepare the mutants file for ala scanning
- [AMBER] pressure not constant
- [AMBER] Problem about Sander with large system
- [AMBER] Problem from ala scanning
- [AMBER] Problem on B-factor Calculation
- [AMBER] problem on running saveAmberParm
- [AMBER] Problem on Running Shell Script
- [AMBER] problem with MMPBSA
- [AMBER] problem with targeted md simulation
- [AMBER] problems enabling CUDA for Amber 11 on Mac OS X 10.6
- [AMBER] Production run for MM/PBSA
- [AMBER] protein moves out of the box when using ptraj center image
- [AMBER] ptraj clustering output: coordinates transformed?
- [AMBER] Ptraj image problems
- [AMBER] ptraj rms error
- [AMBER] QMMM and Thermodynamic integration
- [AMBER] Query on the trajectory output in PDB format
- [AMBER] Query regarding Distance Restraints
- [AMBER] question about errors during make install
- [AMBER] Question about running AMBER on a mac
- [AMBER] question proximal radial distribution function
- [AMBER] radius of gyration in ptraj
- [AMBER] RDF of centers of masses ?
- [AMBER] reducing number of fram in out data file
- [AMBER] reg REMD
- [AMBER] regarding ambertools
- [AMBER] regarding H-bond & torsion angles
- [AMBER] regarding K+ ions
- [AMBER] regarding MMPBSA
- [AMBER] remd convergence
- [AMBER] Reply on closest waters problem
- [AMBER] RESP check
- [AMBER] sander and ptraj problem
- [AMBER] Sander vs Sander.MPI vs Pmemd
- [AMBER] sander.MPI problem
- [AMBER] segmentation fault while loading mol2 file and recompilation issue in antechamber and tleap
- [AMBER] serial TI with ifsc = 2 and icfe = 0
- [AMBER] Setting Atom Types
- [AMBER] Shaking up a XRC structure with a slightly different substrate
- [AMBER] simulations RAMD on serial and parallel version of amber8
- [AMBER] size of real
- [AMBER] skinnb and energy conservation
- [AMBER] sleap bugs or compilation problem?!
- [AMBER] Solvate box
- [AMBER] solvent MD - poor equilibration
- [AMBER] SPC/E and TIP3P water models
- [AMBER] Square planar complex and improper torsions
- [AMBER] subscribe
- [AMBER] TER dfinition at the middile of pdb file
- [AMBER] test run error during compilation of amber10 in linux
- [AMBER] test run error in amber10 installation
- [AMBER] Thank you all
- [AMBER] The force field
- [AMBER] The lib file
- [AMBER] TI Job crashes at some lambda values during heating
- [AMBER] TI using soft-core potential
- [AMBER] tleap problems in Fedora Core 12
- [AMBER] tleap segmentation fault
- [AMBER] to post amber list
- [AMBER] umbrella sampling method or steered MD should be used?
- [AMBER] unable to view grid file of ptraj
- [AMBER] Undefined symbols: "___builtin___strcpy_chk" and more
- [AMBER] unsubscribe
- [AMBER] use of "ambmask" ?
- [AMBER] use of "ambmask" ? & freezing selected residues
- [AMBER] viewing resp esout files
- [AMBER] what is the meaning of GBSA decompostion results for drug-drug interaction?
- [AMBER] writing in ptraj a new action requiring prior knowledge of the average coordinates
- [AMBER] writing mode
- [AMBER] xgrid in opempi 1.4.1 still broken
- [AMBER] You're invited with Honour to the .....
- about SHAKE and double x single precision
- about xleap parameter files
- AMBER Wiki
- Amber11 installation on MacOS10.6 COMPLETE
- Fortran runtime error: Bad value during integer read
- Fwd: [AMBER] Problem about Sander with large system
- parallel problem for systems only including bond, angle and dihedral interactions
- PROGRESS! [AMBER] installation on MacOS10.6
- serial TI with ifsc = 2 and icfe = 0
- Last message date: Tue Jun 01 2010 - 00:00:03 PDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 23 2025 - 05:54:06 PST