[AMBER] Shaking up a XRC structure with a slightly different substrate

From: Dean Cuebas <deancuebas.missouristate.edu>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 15:09:51 -0500

Dear Amber community,

I have an NAD dehydrogenase system

NAD + A <-> NADH + B

with XRC coordinates for

1) NAD-protein complex and
2) abortive ternary complex NAD-B-protein

The abortive ternary complex structure is significantly different
than the NAD-protein complex, and is a dead-end, non-productive structure.

I want to model in explicit water the more physiologic NAD-A-protein
complex, which is simply accomplished by changing the the C=O group of
B to a hydroxy group of A.

Since I have no idea if the productive complex is significantly different
than the abortive complex, I want to shake things up a bit.

After normal restrained simulations to equilibrate water, etc, etc, I was
planning on a 400 C simulation without restraints for 1 ns and then
a 1 ns simulation from 400 to 300 C with gamma_ln=0.02 for a slow cool, and
then typical langevin temperature control for production md.

Is this reasonable? Any suggestions or comments would be welcome!
Thanks so much in advance.


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Received on Tue May 04 2010 - 13:30:03 PDT
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