[AMBER] ptraj clustering output: coordinates transformed?

From: Beroza, Paul <Paul.Beroza.elan.com>
Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 08:45:20 -0700

I'm using ptraj to cluster a trajectory using only the coordinates of a
ligand in a protein/ligand system.

Everything runs smoothly, but the coordinates written out for each
cluster appear to be transformed (although there is nothing in the
ptraj/cluster documentation about this). Is there a way to get the
clustered coordinated reported in the original coordinate system?

Here's the ptraj script I'm running (Amber10):

ptraj protein_ligand_system.top << EOF
trajin protein_ligand_system.trj
cluster out testcluster representative pdb all pdb averagelinkage
clusters 5 rms :LIG & !.H=

Paul Beroza
Elan Pharmaceuticals

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