[AMBER] Is it possible to plot RMSd VS residue number for a protein?

From: M. Reza Ganjalikhany <ganjalikhany.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 17:19:48 +0330

Hello all,

 I ran a 10ns MD simulation with a protein containing 181 aa and I want to
obtain average value of RMSd for each
 residue (or alpha carbons) during the last 5ns and then plot it against the
residue number.

How is it possible to plot RMSd of a protein versus residue number with
ptraj? what else could be done to obtain such plot?

M. Reza
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon May 31 2010 - 07:00:07 PDT
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