[AMBER] EP with ff99SB

From: William Flak <williamflak.yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 14:46:42 -0700 (PDT)

Dear AMBERI am trying to test some features in AMBER, one of them is EP.I have added an extrapoint to my ligand and calculated the charge. During leap step I got an the following error:
 total atoms in file: 4900  Leap added 1 missing atom according to residue templates:       1 unknown element
This unknown element as I believe is returned to EP atom in my PDB file. But I defined and loaded EP before loading my PDB file. My commands were as following:source leaprc.ff99SBsource leaprc.gaffloadamberparams EP.frcmodMOL = loadpdb MOL.pdb
here is my EP.frcmod
remark goes hereMASSEP 0.0000
NONBONEP 1.0000  0.0000

Am I right? can I use only EP for my ligand with ff99SB  force field.If you don't mind, I have used the normal input file as I always do for AMBER MM simulation, depending on AMBER will use the default values for EP treatment (massless off-center charge), is that right? or should I add additional keywords in my input file? (I have read readme file and extrapt file inside sander without any hints). 
Thanks in advanceW. Flak

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Received on Sun May 23 2010 - 15:00:03 PDT
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