Re: [AMBER] leap issues

From: case <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 14:43:45 -0400

On Fri, May 21, 2010, Alex Boncheff wrote:

> Lachele Foley and Case:
> Machine = Mac Pro, the latest one
> Linux = Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
> Compilers=
> Does this help?
> "$ ./configure gnu
> Setting AMBERHOME to /opt/amber11
> Obtaining the gnu suite version:
> gcc -v
> The version is 4.4.3

The previous posts have not yet been archived, so I have sort of lost
the original problem. Did you see errors just in loading leaprc.GLYCAM_06?
I don't see that with a virtual box Ubuntu 10.04 machine, hosted by MacOS
10.5. But mine is detected as a "32-bit operating" system--do you get a
different message when running configure?

Generally, with these new tleap problems, it looks like we are going to
require much more detail about the exact nature of the machine being used
that we are used to requiring...we haven't really been able to nail down much
yet about exactly which problems show up on which machines.

For people that are willing to help, it would also be of interest to know
whether particular problems also occur with AmberTools1.2 or not.


AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri May 21 2010 - 12:00:06 PDT
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