On Tue, May 04, 2010, Emily Curtis wrote:
> I am trying to install Ambertools 1.4.
> My $AMBERHOME environment variable is:
> /Users/emily/amber11/amber11/
> For the configure step I used:
> ./configure intel
After this step, there should be an (empty) directory called
There should also be a soft link, called
/Users/emily/amber11/amber11/AmberTools/bin, which points to
> When I type make install I am in the following directory:
> /Users/emily/amber11/amber11/AmberTools/src
> I changed the bin to a directory
For this step: can you say exactly what commands you typed? Was there
something called "bin" (where, exactly?) that was *not* a directory?
My guess is that by now, those of us on the list can no longer really know
what is on your disk. I'd suggest starting again from a clean install, run
the configure step, then check to make sure the directories mentioned above
are actually there.
I'm assuming that there were no other messages from the configure step that
you are not mentioning, and that you saw the message "The configuration file,
config.h, was successfully created."
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue May 04 2010 - 12:30:03 PDT