Amber Archive Jun 2010 by subject
- [AMBER] "prepin", ".frcmod" and "pdb" files of 5-methylcytidine (for DNA (dC) no RNA)
- [AMBER] (no subject)
- [AMBER] 2drms
- [AMBER] a query about analysis
- [AMBER] about alanine scanning
- [AMBER] about atom type
- [AMBER] about ewald error estimate
- [AMBER] About md parameters for unuaual amino acid residues
- [AMBER] about sybylmol2 file
- [AMBER] About water molecule analysis
- [AMBER] adding counterions
- [AMBER] Adding Ions.
- [AMBER] ALASCAN (Alanine scanning mutagens )
- [AMBER] Amber on BlueGene/P
- [AMBER] AMBER, shenna shearin has invited you to open a Google mail account
- [AMBER] amber.cuda performance on Nvidia S2050?
- [AMBER] amber10 compilation
- [AMBER] amber10 installation problem
- [AMBER] Amber10 installation problem in linux
- [AMBER] amber10 installtion error in parallel
- [AMBER] AMBER10 TI calculations
- [AMBER] AMBER11 and AmberTools1.4 errors
- [AMBER] AMBER11 compilation
- [AMBER] amber11 PMEMD cuda problem. (sometimes stopped...)
- [AMBER] Amber11: running ptraj
- [AMBER] amberhome not set
- [AMBER] AmberTool 1.4 ptraj error
- [AMBER] AmberTools installation in Cygwin
- [AMBER] AmberTools-1.4 Test Problem
- [AMBER] ambertools1.2 compilation error
- [AMBER] antechamber
- [AMBER] antechamber failing with -mul option and sqm
- [AMBER] antechamber issue and parameters for heme of cyp3a4
- [AMBER] antechamber/gasteiger problem with FMN
- [AMBER] Any way to apply different dt(time/step) to different steps
- [AMBER] bond angle and distance calculation
- [AMBER] bond angle and distance problem
- [AMBER] Building a slab between two vacuums?
- [AMBER] Can I did MM/GBSA analysis for a partial equilibrated system?
- [AMBER] Can I neglect the error message of sleap in amber tool?
- [AMBER] Can I neglect the error message of sleap in amber tool? Here is my OS and compiler information. please kindly help.
- [AMBER] Can i use DA instead of DA3/DA5 for teminal residues?
- [AMBER] Can mm-pbsa be limited to simulating a fragment of a large protein?
- [AMBER] Can't locate in .INC
- [AMBER] center and image
- [AMBER] Checksums?
- [AMBER] cluster analysis
- [AMBER] Combine trajectory files error
- [AMBER] comparing DeltaG, docking and IC50
- [AMBER] Compiling failure of Amber 9
- [AMBER] Conserving water bridges?
- [AMBER] Conserving water bridges? need help...
- [AMBER] constant pH equilibration confusion
- [AMBER] constant pH simulation (protonation state specification)
- [AMBER] constant pH simulation (syn and anti position)
- [AMBER] constant pH simulation ERROR "vlimit exceeded for step"
- [AMBER] Constant protonation vs. constant pH simulation
- [AMBER] correlation
- [AMBER] correlation matrix in PTRAJ
- [AMBER] Creating topology files for protein-ligand complex
- [AMBER] CUDA (GPU): Implementation does not support extra points.
- [AMBER] CUDA Segfault GTX470
- [AMBER] cutoff
- [AMBER] density
- [AMBER] discontinuous residues
- [AMBER] distance restraints
- [AMBER] dna
- [AMBER] DNA analysis
- [AMBER] entropy calculation failed again!
- [AMBER] Entropy calculation using nmode in
- [AMBER] Entropy for my system works now
- [AMBER] error - binding_energy.mmpbsa run
- [AMBER] Error encounter when running tutorial 4b when running xleap with AMBER 10 and AmberTools 1.2
- [AMBER] Error in estrogen-raloxifene tutorial
- [AMBER] Error installing AMBER 10 on ubuntu
- [AMBER] Error on running ptraj
- [AMBER] Error while compiling AT1.4 on OS X
- [AMBER] error: mask from topology files!
- [AMBER] Error: No potential terms in sander output!
- [AMBER] Errors in installing amber10 in cygwin (winxp)
- [AMBER] force field parameter and resp charge calculation
- [AMBER] forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 9, file
- [AMBER] Fourier terms
- [AMBER] frcdump for CHARMM
- [AMBER] Free Energy profile
- [AMBER] Fwd: Fwd: how to allign the protein with average pdb
- [AMBER] Fwd: high bidning energy MMPBSA
- [AMBER] Fwd: how to allign the protein with average pdb
- [AMBER] Fwd: MMPBSA problem binding energy calculation
- [AMBER] GAFF 1.4
- [AMBER] gb working but not pb & gives No potential terms in sander output! error
- [AMBER] gcc44 compiler
- [AMBER] graphical analysis of H-bond
- [AMBER] high bidning energy MMPBSA
- [AMBER] how can i run as one sander job?
- [AMBER] how to allign the protein with average pdb
- [AMBER] How to build a TT dimer
- [AMBER] how to cut phosphodiester bond
- [AMBER] how to get frcmod.mod_phipsi.1 for constant pH MD simulation
- [AMBER] How to insert a dimer into the pdb file
- [AMBER] How to modify config.h if I cannot get g77 running? Pls kindly help.
- [AMBER] how to modify the code to save the trajectory of ONLY one part of atoms in .mdcrd file ?
- [AMBER] How to read the motion of PCA?
- [AMBER] How to restart the remd simulation following the remd tutorial?
- [AMBER] how to use a distant-dependent dielectric constant of "epsilon = 4r"
- [AMBER] improper for NH2 group in guanosine
- [AMBER] info on ff10?
- [AMBER] Installing amber10 on ubunta, some hints please.
- [AMBER] inter- intra energy
- [AMBER] inter_intra - energy
- [AMBER] intra-inter energy
- [AMBER] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
- [AMBER] Is AmberTools 1.4 compatible with AMBER10?
- [AMBER] Is it a bug in the xleap of AmberTools 1.2 and 1.4.
- [AMBER] is it possible to improve amino acids dihedral angles using Amber?
- [AMBER] Is it possible to plot RMSd VS residue number for a protein?
- [AMBER] Is it possible to revome water molecules during simulation?
- [AMBER] is there any command to superimpose/align a protein in amber8 to get less RMSD residue wise
- [AMBER] Is xleap part of Ambertool or Amber10?
- [AMBER] Kinetic energy after heating is zero
- [AMBER] ld: duplicate symbol _gauss in ../lib/sys.a(random.o) and rand2.o
- [AMBER] Lennard Jones calculation
- [AMBER] Lmod, NAB error
- [AMBER] make test.parallel
- [AMBER] MD simulation of methylated DNA: addition of methyl groups to .pdb file
- [AMBER] mm_pbsa error on ambertools 1.4 amber11
- [AMBER] MM_PBSA: multiple processes, single point output along the trajecotry and cropped structures
- [AMBER] mme and mme2 produce different energies
- [AMBER] mmgbsa tricky output
- [AMBER] mmpbsa
- [AMBER] MMPBSA : SA Bomb in sa_arc : Allocation aborted error
- [AMBER] MMPBSA binding calculations
- [AMBER] mmpbsa error of missing SVIB, when nm=0
- [AMBER] mmpbsa installation
- [AMBER] MMPBSA problem binding energy calculation
- [AMBER] MMPBSA warning
- [AMBER] calculations...bad atom type
- [AMBER] error
- [AMBER] install problem
- [AMBER] NameError: global name 'diffstdev' is not defined
- [AMBER] nmode maxcyc problem
- [AMBER] update install problem
- [AMBER] Modifying the bond energy calculation - adding a cubic bond term (hacking the sander code)
- [AMBER] nfft1-3 too large! check on MAXNFFT in ew_bspline.f
- [AMBER] nmr refinment problem
- [AMBER] P450 ff from Rydberg et al.
- [AMBER] parallel compiling failure of Amber 11
- [AMBER] Parallel installation of AMBER 11 on MacOSX
- [AMBER] Parameters for Nickel
- [AMBER] PBC in umbrella sampling
- [AMBER] peptide leaving box, image command not working
- [AMBER] periodic images of truc. octahedron in vmd
- [AMBER] pH based conformational study
- [AMBER] picky nab compiler: is this really necessary?
- [AMBER] plz help!!!
- [AMBER] pmemd.cuda - ewald error estimate?
- [AMBER] pmemd.cuda DPDP performance on GTX480 vs C2050?
- [AMBER] pmemd.cuda error: launch timeout..
- [AMBER] pmemd.cuda segmentation fault with iwrap=1 on NVT/NVE
- [AMBER] Polak Ribiere
- [AMBER] Polarizability and induced dipoles
- [AMBER] Postdoc position available at SDSC.
- [AMBER] pre-processing of trajectories
- [AMBER] Prepare the mutants file for ala scanning
- [AMBER] Problem on B-factor Calculation
- [AMBER] Problem with pmed installation: Amber 10
- [AMBER] problem with the energetics of the system
- [AMBER] problems with NAB and SHIFTS
- [AMBER] protonation states of histidines - is there any way to treat it accurately.
- [AMBER] ptraj (AT 1.4) hiccups with gzipped trajectory files
- [AMBER] Ptraj error - ERROR in safe_malloc
- [AMBER] Ptraj problems
- [AMBER] ptraj rms error
- [AMBER] ptraj.MPI in Ambertools1.4 : Compression is not currently supported for parallel ptraj
- [AMBER] PTRAJ: setting up donor and acceptor masks for ligands for hbond analysis
- [AMBER] Query- Heating after Equilibration
- [AMBER] question about radial distribution function
- [AMBER] Questions with input file in constant pH MD
- [AMBER] radial distribution function
- [AMBER] radial distribution function in amber
- [AMBER] random number generators visible from nab: choice necessary?
- [AMBER] Rdf and density
- [AMBER] reduce
- [AMBER] reducing the fram for analysing
- [AMBER] reg REMD
- [AMBER] regarding forcefield for rna
- [AMBER] regarding mmpbsa
- [AMBER] regarding ptraj
- [AMBER] Regarding temperature accelerated MD
- [AMBER] RESP charge of heavy metal contained complex
- [AMBER] RESP fit calculation
- [AMBER] Restraint
- [AMBER] restraint during constant pH
- [AMBER] restraint in umbrella sampling
- [AMBER] rhombicity
- [AMBER] RMSD calculation per reside wise not rmse/time by ptraj
- [AMBER] Segmentation fault
- [AMBER] sietraj
- [AMBER] similarity of quasi-harmonic modes dependent on reference conformation
- [AMBER] simple question, FATAL: Atom .R<NGLU 1>.A<H 18> does not have a type.
- [AMBER] simulating in urea
- [AMBER] simulation of DNA-protein interaction
- [AMBER] simulation of protein
- [AMBER] sleap log
- [AMBER] Solute and solvent temperatures in mden
- [AMBER] solute ans solvation box
- [AMBER] Solvation free energy of a capped 9mer peptide
- [AMBER] solvent-solute interaction energy
- [AMBER] speed of analysis
- [AMBER] Strange results for
- [AMBER] stripping water
- [AMBER] stripping water and cross-correlation analysis
- [AMBER] Stuck on pmemd.f90
- [AMBER] SURFTEN / SURFOFF values are not consistent across *.all.out files
- [AMBER] The charge
- [AMBER] The err of sander.PUPIL
- [AMBER] Thr -> Met in TI calculation
- [AMBER] time-correlation fluctuation
- [AMBER] tleap: C-N triple bond and sp1 hybridization
- [AMBER] to understand 1-4 interactions in Amber FF
- [AMBER] torsion angle define
- [AMBER] TUTORIAL A7 Replica Exchange Simulations with AMBER 10
- [AMBER] two questions about Amber annealing
- [AMBER] unexpected "vlimit exceeded for step" error
- [AMBER] Unknown clustering algorithm_ptraj_ambertools1.4
- [AMBER] visualising frame of minimisation
- [AMBER] vlimit exceeded for step
- [AMBER] want to keep water from the pdb
- [AMBER] What's the mean of this ptraj error message? thanks in advance.
- [AMBER] Why different binding energy is obtained from GBSA calculations?
- [AMBER] Why different results were obtained for two runs using the same prmtop files?
- [AMBER] xleap problem for terminal DNA base pairs.
- Error: No potential terms in sander output!
- frcdump for CHARMM
- gb working but not pb & gives No potential terms in sander output! error
- pre-processing of trajectories]
- Requesting your help in amber
- RESP charge of heavy metal contained complex
- Last message date: Wed Jun 30 2010 - 22:00:03 PDT
- Archived on: Fri Mar 07 2025 - 05:54:02 PST