Trying to add Gasteiger charges to flavin mononucleotide (mol2 file
attached; based on PDB entry 3fx2) using Antechamber from AmberTools
1.4 with bugfix 1 applied as follows:
antechamber -i -fi mol2 -o ante.out.mol2 -fo mol2 -c gas -
nc -1 -j 5 -s 2
produces the following error:
The net charge of the molecule (-1) does not equal to the total charge
(0.00 ) based on Gasteiger atom type, exit
With the protonation state given in the mol2 file, the net charge
should clearly be -1. Apparently there is something wrong with the
"Gasteiger atom types" that antechamber is producing.
Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Jun 22 2010 - 13:30:05 PDT