Amber Archive Jun 2016 by subject
- Ziba Bahadori (Sat Jun 25 2016 - 23:00:04 PDT)
- [AMBER] 9. Hidden parameters for tleap
- [AMBER] [Amber] Build parameters on HEME-Fe-HIS system
- [AMBER] [ANN] Release of NGLView for interactive trajectory visualization in Jupyter notebooks.
- [AMBER] ABOUT the GaMD patch for Amber14
- [AMBER] addAtomType problem
- [AMBER] adding missing ligand records to $AMBERHOME/dat/reduce_wwPDB_het_dict.txt
- [AMBER] addition of hydrogen to unionised the -COO group
- [AMBER] Advice for Implicit Solvent MD with Nucleic Acids
- [AMBER] Amber Cpptraj troubleshoot
- [AMBER] AMBER Digest, Vol 1616, Issue 1
- [AMBER] AMBER Digest, Vol 1618, Issue 1
- [AMBER] AMBER support for gtx1080
- [AMBER] Amber14 & Cuda 7.5
- [AMBER] Amber16 + GTX1080 - working well
- [AMBER] Amber16 and CUDA8.0 pmemd.cuda worked, and then stopped working, saying "cudaMemcpyToSymbol: SetSim copy to cSim failed invalid device symbol"
- [AMBER] amber16 pmemd cuda rst file
- [AMBER] Amber16 won't install
- [AMBER] Amber16+CUDA8.0 pmemd.cuda worked, and then stopped working, saying "cudaMemcpyToSymbol: SetSim copy to cSim failed invalid device symbol"
- [AMBER] Ambertools16 error compiling
- [AMBER] Ambertools16 test failed for leap
- [AMBER] antechamber error message
- [AMBER] bad atom type decomp
- [AMBER] Bad atom type: FE when calculating free energy using mmpbsa
- [AMBER] buffer OR buffer_xyz_list in setBox command
- [AMBER] Can I turn off group coordinate averaging?
- [AMBER] can we sample ligand conformation in Amber
- [AMBER] charge of aminoacids in an special pH
- [AMBER] Choose reference frame for rmsd
- [AMBER] Clustering of MD trajectories: ptraj, cpptraj
- [AMBER] compiling reduce with gcc6
- [AMBER] convergence criteria in enhanced md techniques
- [AMBER] convert mol2 to pdb
- [AMBER] convert mol2 to prepin
- [AMBER] problem
- [AMBER] cpptraj analysis of water in cavity
- [AMBER] cpptraj clustering based on ligand cavity
- [AMBER] cpptraj reading a reference coordinate for analyses
- [AMBER] cutoff and switching
- [AMBER] Density File
- [AMBER] Difference between radius of gyration and max radius of gyration
- [AMBER] difference in ptraj for ambertools-12 and 15
- [AMBER] Dismal QM/MM Efficiency
- [AMBER] Distorted and clumped structures after cpptraj average structure calculation
- [AMBER] Does Amber14 work with CUDA higher than 6.5?
- [AMBER] energy decomposition
- [AMBER] Energy decomposition in MM/GBSA
- [AMBER] Entropy normal mode error
- [AMBER] equilibration problem
- [AMBER] Error in
- [AMBER] Error in MMPBSA
- [AMBER] Error in tleap for the atom type of OCT1 and OCT2 of glutamic acid at C-terminal
- [AMBER] Error while trying to upgrade AmberTools 15
- [AMBER] Error: [cluster] Not all arguments handled: [ pdb ]
- [AMBER] Errors in my installation
- [AMBER] extremely slow cluster analysis with cpptraj
- [AMBER] FF14SB implementation
- [AMBER] Free energy decomposition of QM/MM-GBSA
- [AMBER] Fwd: eChemInfo Workshop on Rational Drug Design in Milano
- [AMBER] Fwd: equilibration problem
- [AMBER] GAFF2 setup
- [AMBER] GB-neck2 MD with nucleic acids
- [AMBER] GIST calculation
- [AMBER] hanging test mdgx/1p7e for installation to 'long' path
- [AMBER] Help me with double ambiguous files!!! PLEASE
- [AMBER] Hidden parameters for tleap
- [AMBER] how to calculate the correlation function for first water shell?
- [AMBER] How to compare protein dynamics in free and bound-ligands states with cpptraj
- [AMBER] How to define COM group of atoms greater than 1024 atoms when nmropt=1 and pmemd.cuda.MPI
- [AMBER] Imaging problem?
- [AMBER] INDIGO-DataCloud Newsletter, May 2016
- [AMBER] Issue of AMBER 2016 with CUDA
- [AMBER] Issue with with the nocenter in tLeap
- [AMBER] iwrap and mmpbsa
- [AMBER] Library errors while using NAB on Amber16
- [AMBER] Lipidorder/No output
- [AMBER] MD simulations with jar=1 and more than one nmropt restraint
- [AMBER] mdl file for 1d-rism
- [AMBER] measures of data reliability in Steered MD
- [AMBER] mmgbsa calculation
- [AMBER] mmpbsa analys
- [AMBER] mmpbsa doubt
- [AMBER] Mmpbsa problem
- [AMBER] MMPBSA.PY Error :LengthError: length mismatch in energy vectors
- [AMBER] nmode output problem
- [AMBER] neuraminic acid
- [AMBER] NMR restraints on GPU (asterisks in output)
- [AMBER] one more point about gcc6
- [AMBER] parmchk and parmchk2 segmentation fault
- [AMBER] PCA error not
- [AMBER] prepin to mol2
- [AMBER] Principal Component Analysis
- [AMBER] Principle Component Analysis (PCA) in cpptraj
- [AMBER] Principle component analysis: percentage contribution of eigenvectors
- [AMBER] Problem analysing output with process_mdout.perl script
- [AMBER] Problem in Calculating Rotational diffusion
- [AMBER] Problem with PCA projection
- [AMBER] Problem with PCA projection (cont)
- [AMBER] Problem with SHAKE in water molecule
- [AMBER] Problem: Do not receive mails from Amber list but Amber digest
- [AMBER] problem:hydrogen bonding analysis contain water molecular
- [AMBER] problems compiling cuda enabled amber on ubuntu 16.04
- [AMBER] problems with building sulfo sialil-lacnac
- [AMBER] Progress with testing GB-neck2 MD with nucleic acids
- [AMBER] proper box size to calculate binding enthalpy of host-guest
- [AMBER] proper box size to calculate binding enthalpy of host-guest in explicit solvent
- [AMBER] Protein - ligand tutorials - reg
- [AMBER] pulling a zn ion with SMD
- [AMBER] QM/MM - SCF converge error
- [AMBER] QM/MM MD problem
- [AMBER] QM/MM simulation
- [AMBER] Query regarding dihedral angles
- [AMBER] radial (rdf) computation time
- [AMBER] Radial Distribution Function
- [AMBER] radial distribution function tails for liquids using GAFF
- [AMBER] rdf or watershell
- [AMBER] re imaging doubt
- [AMBER] Reading and Writing mdfrc files generated by pmemd
- [AMBER] Regarding error in MMPBSA
- [AMBER] Regarding ho parameter in gaff
- [AMBER] Regarding run.rst file generation
- [AMBER] Reminder: Training and Innovation Course in Drug Design
- [AMBER] Replacing water with a H2O2 and restart the simulation
- [AMBER] RESP charges
- [AMBER] restarting a run
- [AMBER] RMSD for the backbone atoms of residues
- [AMBER] Running pmemd.MPI across the nodes
- [AMBER] Saving the coordinates during a simulation
- [AMBER] script for calculation of dihedral angle frequency
- [AMBER] setMolecules failed
- [AMBER] Slow performance of Amber12 on cluster
- [AMBER] solvent equilibration
- [AMBER] Some problems about Heme
- [AMBER] Stripping waters from trajectory on a distance-based criteria
- [AMBER] Structural refinement of the protein complexed with metalo-ions
- [AMBER] Structural refinement of the protein complexed withmetalo-ions
- [AMBER] test 4096wat
- [AMBER] the meaning of NONBON in frcmod
- [AMBER] Thermodynamic Integration with QM/MM Hamiltonian
- [AMBER] THF parametrization
- [AMBER] TI calculation with ligand dimer
- [AMBER] TIP3PFBOX: water model
- [AMBER] Umbrella Sampling
- [AMBER] umbrella sampling long axex problem
- [AMBER] umbrella sampling with two degrees of freedom
- [AMBER] Une demande d'aide avec GAFF ( 2 )
- [AMBER] Unreadable rst7
- [AMBER] Using Gromcas trajectories with CPPTRAJ
- [AMBER] Visualizing QM/MM Simulations
- [AMBER] volmap: densities too low
- [AMBER] Which of charge methods in antechamber are appropriate?
- Help me with double ambiguous files!!! PLEASE
- issue with complex prmtop file
- Last message date: Thu Jun 30 2016 - 19:30:03 PDT
- Archived on: Fri Mar 07 2025 - 05:55:18 PST