Amber Archive Oct 2011 by subject
- [AMBER] "Frontiers in Biomolecular Simulation" - Heraeus conference in Germany, Jan. 22.-25. 2012
- [AMBER] 1JFF Antechamber, LEaP problems
- [AMBER] 1st DNA Tutorial Pressure
- [AMBER] 3D-RISM bugfix for polar/apolar decomposition
- [AMBER] A Gentle Reminder: Survey Request - 10 minutes of your time please to help future AMBER development (
- [AMBER] About defining force direction in SMD simulation
- [AMBER] About pmemd and pmemd.MPI
- [AMBER] About SMD simulation restart file
- [AMBER] Add extra force in sander.MPI
- [AMBER] Amber 10 compile error
- [AMBER] Amber 11, AmberTools 1.5 installation problem
- [AMBER] Amber on IBM Power7 or Opteron 6200 series?
- [AMBER] AMBER parameters for the acetylated lysine
- [AMBER] Amber Tools 1.5 installation
- [AMBER] AMBER, haris p has invited you to open a Gmail account
- [AMBER] ambertool question !!!
- [AMBER] AmberTools 1.5 compilation error
- [AMBER] AmberTools-1.5 installation
- [AMBER] Ambertools1.5, PB Bomb in pb_atmlist(): maxnba too short
- [AMBER] AMOEBA potentials
- [AMBER] Antechamber/SQM
- [AMBER] Applying Bugfixes Amber11
- [AMBER] Atom ordering after LEAP
- [AMBER] bond lengths
- [AMBER] box information in .inpcrd and .rst files
- [AMBER] Bug in nmode
- [AMBER] bug in respgen ?
- [AMBER] Building parallel Amber11 on CRAY XD1
- [AMBER] building topology for a big DNA/protein complex with tleap and sleap
- [AMBER] Calculating the force applied to a restrained point
- [AMBER] Can we avoid output the distance between closed atoms in the same residue: question for usage of checkoverlap in PTRAJ.
- [AMBER] changes in secstruct command
- [AMBER] chiral restraints
- [AMBER] compiling amber11 (sander) on Blue Gene/P
- [AMBER] converting Amber trajectories to Gromacs XTC
- [AMBER] crash due to ewald
- [AMBER] Creating periodic solvent box
- [AMBER] distribution of selected water
- [AMBER] does CHECKOVERLAP check image cell?
- [AMBER] E-mail change
- [AMBER] Energetic analysis with considering just one molecule ?
- [AMBER] Energy calculateion from MD trajectory: can we skip the minimization?
- [AMBER] error "reset fillratio to a larger number 2.000" in mm_pbsa calculation
- [AMBER] Error using set default PBradii bondi in tleap with pmemd.cuda or sander
- [AMBER] Error with 99SBnmr force field
- [AMBER] ERROR: max pairlist cutoff must be less than unit cell max sphere radius!
- [AMBER] errors when add Zn ions
- [AMBER] extract trajectory and average structure
- [AMBER] Failure minimizing pamr7 files from A1 tutorial with NAMD=CUDA
- [AMBER] ff99-ildn frcmod validation question
- [AMBER] Final chance to win a C2070 - Survey ends at midnight PDT tonight Monday Oct 24th 2011. Survey Request - 10 minutes of your time please to help future AMBER development (
- [AMBER] Final chance to win a C2070 - Survey ends at midnight PDT tonight Monday Oct 24th 2011. Survey Request - 10 minutes of your time please to help future AMBER development (
- [AMBER] for, when MS=0, PB does not work, GB works
- [AMBER] Force field parameters for polyethene
- [AMBER] From amber to gromacs
- [AMBER] Fwd: AMBER10
- [AMBER] GB simulation on GPU freezes
- [AMBER] GPU Survey link:
- [AMBER] Gromacs Make Index in AMBER
- [AMBER] Help on self-assembled mono layer
- [AMBER] HO atom type van der Waals (GLYCAM)
- [AMBER] How to avoid Zn parametrization?
- [AMBER] How to Calculate SASA with Amber?
- [AMBER] how to get tetramer coordinate of Melittin Form PDB ID:2MLT.
- [AMBER] how to load atom type for divalent ions in leaprc.ff10?
- [AMBER] How to make the library of PNA-DNA duplex
- [AMBER] How to use "impose" command in ptraj to rotate dihedral angle
- [AMBER] Illegal atomic numbers in nucleic10.lib
- [AMBER] input conformations for RESP procedure for modified amino?
- [AMBER] Inquiry about Amber installation
- [AMBER] Inquiry about the cutoff (cut, vdw_cutoff, es_cutoff) settings of PMEMD
- [AMBER] Installation of AmberTools 1.5 (and Amber 11)
- [AMBER] Interaction Energy in QMMMMD
- [AMBER] iron sulphur cluster parameters
- [AMBER] iron sulphur cluster parametrization
- [AMBER] Is Amber a 32-bit or 64-bit program?
- [AMBER] Issue with running sander with SHAKE
- [AMBER] Judje error
- [AMBER] LMOD error and questions
- [AMBER] Material including Boron, "ATTN need revision"
- [AMBER] message during pbsa energy calculation
- [AMBER] Minor RNA bases
- [AMBER] MMPBSA calculation
- [AMBER] MMPBSA error
- [AMBER] MMPBSA input error for INP
- [AMBER] MMPBSA on a protein-protein complex when protein contains non-protein
- [AMBER] MMPBSA.MPI: IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
- [AMBER] - PB Bomb
- [AMBER] -use-mdin. PB Bomb
- [AMBER] 3DRISM error
- [AMBER] mask selections
- [AMBER] problems: L-J-parameters, bad file descriptors, MMPBSA hangup due to sander failure
- [AMBER] error during parsing of _MMPBSA_complex_gb.mdout
- [AMBER] no value inserted for "Residues to print": left as "RES EDIT"
- [AMBER] MMPBSA: how to include only some residues
- [AMBER] mmtsb problem
- [AMBER] Molecular velocity from molecular trajectories
- [AMBER] molecule out box and correct hbond analysis
- [AMBER] New to AMBER, installation issues
- [AMBER] non standart residue library creation with tleap (Zn atom)
- [AMBER] not too many MD simulations of protein-ligand system?
- [AMBER] Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) with torque PBS system
- [AMBER] oct or cubic box?
- [AMBER] One more Gentle Reminder: Survey Request - 10 minutes of your time please to help future AMBER development (
- [AMBER] Ordering of torsion definitions
- [AMBER] Parallel Amber11 Installation Error
- [AMBER] parameters for anchor-modified glycopeptides
- [AMBER] PBSA grid output using
- [AMBER] PDB file modification
- [AMBER] Periodic Box in igb mode
- [AMBER] please help me
- [AMBER] PMEMD command
- [AMBER] PMEMD conditions for solvent bulk characterization?
- [AMBER] pmemd.cuda and nonzero gbsa
- [AMBER] Poisson-Boltzmann/GB Solvents with FF02
- [AMBER] Polarization term in Energy
- [AMBER] position restraints on heavy atoms or all?
- [AMBER] prmtop details
- [AMBER] Problem in compilng AmberTools1.5 on Mac OSX 10.7.1
- [AMBER] problem in interpreting RMSDs
- [AMBER] Problem installing on a mac Lion 10.7 using gcc 4.2
- [AMBER] problem with sulphur
- [AMBER] Problems with AmberTools compilation under Debian
- [AMBER] proteins with Ff10 + igb=7
- [AMBER] pseudorotation phase angle for RNA
- [AMBER] ptraj clustering error
- [AMBER] QMMMMD blowup
- [AMBER] QMMMMD Tutorial Question
- [AMBER] quasi-harmonic analysis
- [AMBER] Query for using Curves+ from Amber trajectories
- [AMBER] Question regarding HAS_10_12 flag in PMEMD (LINMIN Failure)
- [AMBER] Radial distribution function
- [AMBER] Reg:QM region + cutoff larger than box dimension
- [AMBER] regarding qmmm simulation
- [AMBER] reimage method and hbond analysis
- [AMBER] relative binding free energy calculation
- [AMBER] REMD: mismatches in potential energy values
- [AMBER] residue stripping in ptraj
- [AMBER] safemem.o error while compiling Ambertools 1.5
- [AMBER] Salt in explicit water
- [AMBER] sander bug?
- [AMBER] sander mpi error when unfolding the protein
- [AMBER] sander pb focusing error
- [AMBER] sander pbsa and imin = 5 problem
- [AMBER] sander.MPI
- [AMBER] Sander.MPI parallel run
- [AMBER] SASA calculate
- [AMBER] SASA calculation: removing water and ion problem.
- [AMBER] Self assembled surface.
- [AMBER] Self-assembled monolayers
- [AMBER] Small inquiry regarding code
- [AMBER] Solvent accessible area
- [AMBER] solvents in AMBER
- [AMBER] Specifying a gcc compiler for amber tools installation
- [AMBER] subscription!
- [AMBER] The recommended settings for PB analyses reasonably sensitive to istrng parameter and also suitable for charged systems
- [AMBER] TMD for a large conformation change
- [AMBER] Total Energy Autocorrelation Function
- [AMBER] Trouble with Installation of AmberTools 1.5
- [AMBER] Turning off non-bonded interactions for specific atomtype pairs
- [AMBER] Turning off non-bonded interactions for specificatomtype pairs
- [AMBER] tutorial A6
- [AMBER] umbrella sampling amber11
- [AMBER] Using ff10 with ildn or nmr
- [AMBER] vmd-l: AMBER prmtop and traj to pqr - radii error
- [AMBER] xleap problem
- [AMBER] 回复: oct or cubic box?
- Gromacs Make Index in AMBER
- Last message date: Mon Oct 31 2011 - 18:30:02 PDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 23 2025 - 05:54:29 PST