[AMBER] problem in interpreting RMSDs

From: Sajeewa Pemasinghe <sajeewasp.gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 12:15:21 -0400

Hello everybody,

I have calculated the RMSD of a protein which consists of 991 residues for
20ns in two ways.

1) I have considered the whole protein at once

    For example

   rms reference out totalprotein.dat :1-991.N,CA,C time 1

2) I have calculated the RMSD separately for each residue over the 20ns

   For example

   rms reference out residue1.dat :1 time 1
   rms reference out residue2.dat :2 time 1
   rms reference out residue3.dat :3 time 1
   rms reference out residue4.dat :4 time 1
   rms reference out residue5.dat :5 time 1
   rms reference out residue991.dat :991 time 1

  Then I calculated the average of the values given by 1) which was a single
value around 3.2 angstrom
  Then I calculated the average of each individual residue using the output
of 2) which give 991 average values most of which are around or below 1
angstrom (non of them above 3.2)

 * I was wondering If the whole protein had an average RMSD of 3.2 angstrom
why wouldn't the average RMSD of individual residues be close to the 3.2
  This might sound like a silly question but your response is highly
important to me.

   Thank you

   Sajeewa Dewage
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Received on Sat Oct 15 2011 - 09:30:03 PDT
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