Re: [AMBER] non standart residue library creation with tleap (Zn atom)

From: Andrew Voronkov <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 16:19:32 +0400

DEar Francois, unfortunately that time we have postponed that task, which was a mistake most probably because it turned out to be a biotarget of the compound of interest.
Can you please provide link on description of fitting to QM profile procedure? Is it possible to do such paraetrization for zinc binding using QM/MM methods in Amber?

Best regards,

24.11.2009, 14:16, "FyD" <>:
> Andrew,
>> šCan you please say why I can't just measure bond lengths and
>> šdihedral angles parameters in the PDB structure which I want to use
>> šfor MD. This will just fix the already existing parameters and that
>> šis what I need. Why I should gather or calculate prceise bond length
>> ššand angle parameters if the PDB data already measured by X-ray
>> šanalysis? The bond energies and VdW radii I can get from the papers,
>> ššyes.
> You can get equilibrium values for bonds & angles from small
> crystallographic structures, Yes. Dihedrals do not have equilibrium
> values. Force constants for bonds and angles and dihedral parameters
> can be obtained from fitting to a QM profile.
> regards, Francois
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