Amber Archive Jun 2018 by subject
- [AMBER] A question about force-field parameters for organic compounds related to the purchase of AMBER-Certified EXXACT machine
- [AMBER] Accelerated MD re-weighting---- very high PMF values
- [AMBER] Advanced restraints in protein mutation
- [AMBER] AMBER Digest, Vol 2314, Issue 1
- [AMBER] Amber DSSP : Secondary structure
- [AMBER] AMBER performance degradation on CPU compared to GPU
- [AMBER] Amber14-GIST
- [AMBER] Amber16 (with AmberToos16) install problems.
- [AMBER] Amber16 + Ambertools17 + CUDA 9.0 + NVIDIA 390 Installation Guide
- [AMBER] Amber16 with AmberTools18
- [AMBER] Amber18 and CUDA 9.2
- [AMBER] AMBER18 pmemd.cuda running error for divalent metal ions represented using multisite (dummy) atom model with the 12-6-4 LJ potential
- [AMBER] AMBER18 pmemd.cuda TI generates Error: an illegal memory access was encountered launching kernel kNLSkinTest
- [AMBER] AMBER: targeted MD
- [AMBER] Are 1070Ti GPUs Supported?
- [AMBER] Atom Mask in QMMM calculation
- [AMBER] bad atom type for Mn after running mmpbsa
- [AMBER] Bonds across the periodic boundaries
- [AMBER] box size
- [AMBER] calculating force correlation in trajectory
- [AMBER] Calculation of the REMD exchange rate in amber 14
- [AMBER] Carbon-nanotube topology construction
- [AMBER] Change x-axis from frame # to time in gnu plot created with secstruct command using cpptraj
- [AMBER] change x-axis to time for gnuplot using cpptraj
- [AMBER] Charm-gui and water models
- [AMBER] Clarification on forming covalent linkages
- [AMBER] compatibility of graphic card and Amber
- [AMBER] Conda Installation error
- [AMBER] conversion of MG ions in parmed
- [AMBER] Converting atom naming to GLYCAM
- [AMBER] cpptraj and sander
- [AMBER] Cpptraj h-bond
- [AMBER] CPPTRAJ H-bond Plot
- [AMBER] CPPTRAJ: Wildcards for the frames to extract
- [AMBER] Cuda
- [AMBER] Deal with trajectoy PBC
- [AMBER] Defining aMD Boost Parameters (Range and Distribution) for Hamiltonian Replica Exchange
- [AMBER] Difference between frcmod and mdl parameters
- [AMBER] Dimension Box visualization
- [AMBER] direction in SMD
- [AMBER] Distance restraint not working
- [AMBER] Error at runtime running AMBER18 with CUDA91 on GTX980
- [AMBER] Error in using pdb4amber command
- [AMBER] Extract force for every atom in a 100ns MD run trajectory
- [AMBER] Fortran runtime error: Cannot write to file opened for READ
- [AMBER] Free Energy landscape (FEL)
- [AMBER] Fwd: Accelerated MD re-weighting---- very high PMF values
- [AMBER] Fwd: increase speed in amber using implcit solvent model
- [AMBER] GaMD Not Running in GPU
- [AMBER] Gaussian aMD in Amber14
- [AMBER] Geforce GTX 1080Ti testing on Amber18/CUDA 9.2
- [AMBER] GIST preparetion error
- [AMBER] high values of RMSD during the simulation of molecular dynamics between DNA and small molecule. Does anyone explain?
- [AMBER] How to "un-strip" the MG* atom from mmpbsa
- [AMBER] how to calculate the mass center distance between adjacent repeat units of one polymer chain
- [AMBER] How to read .nc file in VMD
- [AMBER] Idea of equilibration in MD before production?
- [AMBER] implicit solvent
- [AMBER] implicit solvent simmulation
- [AMBER] Implicit solvent TI calculations with soft core potentials
- [AMBER] Including C4 terms LJ12-6-4
- [AMBER] Individual bridging water lifetimes by closest?
- [AMBER] Initial configuration of ADP and ion simulation using AMBER.
- [AMBER] Install problems fftw for AMBER16
- [AMBER] Installing GPU version Amber18
- [AMBER] lifetime analysis of native/nonnative contacts data
- [AMBER] Lipid diffusion COM drift
- [AMBER] make test error: make: *** [test.serial] Error 2
- [AMBER] MM-GBSA for recptor-magnesium-ligand complex
- [AMBER] MMGBSA error FATAL: NATOM mismatch in coord and topology files
- [AMBER] Multi GPU performance
- [AMBER] NaN in NEB output
- [AMBER] Net salt ions - Thank you!
- [AMBER] Net salt ions ouside the solvent box after AddIons
- [AMBER] NetCDF trajectories in lower precision
- [AMBER] Periodic boundary conditions and N_OF_BONDS_COLVAR
- [AMBER] Problem in Membrane Simulation : water molecules are out of box
- [AMBER] Problem regarding running independent parallel simulations in AMBER14 using -rem<#>
- [AMBER] Problems in running undefined symbol: __libm_feature_flag
- [AMBER] problems with step 2
- [AMBER] Progress bar will not be used during Run [strip :WAT, Cl*, CIO, Cs+, IB, K*, Li+, MG*, Na+ ...]
- [AMBER] protein sampling efficacy
- [AMBER] psf from parmed
- [AMBER] QMMM interface for TURBOMOLE
- [AMBER] QMMM problem
- [AMBER] Queries regarding bond command in leap
- [AMBER] Query regarding 3D-RISM output
- [AMBER] query regarding the Amber 12 compatibility with RHEL upgraded versions
- [AMBER] Question about how to calculate the mass center distance between adjacent repeat units of one polymer chain
- [AMBER] Question on writing clustering information
- [AMBER] Question on writing clustering information with cpptraj
- [AMBER] radial distribution from center of mass of solute
- [AMBER] Radial distribution function of waters
- [AMBER] Reg. esander or energy command not found.
- [AMBER] Regarding the MPI error in parallel running of 3D-RISM
- [AMBER] restarting REMD vacuum simulation with watercap
- [AMBER] rism1d convergence query
- [AMBER] rism1d query
- [AMBER] Running QMMM on Iron Core enzyme
- [AMBER] S-S bond
- [AMBER] script for converting amber parameters into CNS file
- [AMBER] Simulating drug molecules in lipid bilayers
- [AMBER] Time averaged mean squared displacement
- [AMBER] Trajectory format
- [AMBER] TrajError: start frame (51021) > total frames (5000)
- [AMBER] Unit 5 Error on OPEN:mdin on clustuer with pmemd.cuda
- [AMBER] Using chirality restraints for modified residues
- [AMBER] Using Pytraj to read and write velocity files
- [AMBER] water box with 64 molecules
- [AMBER] why tleap adds TER in the middle of a DNA sequence
- Last message date: Sat Jun 30 2018 - 06:00:02 PDT
- Archived on: Fri Mar 07 2025 - 05:55:36 PST