[AMBER] Progress bar will not be used during Run [strip :WAT, Cl*, CIO, Cs+, IB, K*, Li+, MG*, Na+ ...]

From: Urszula Uciechowska <urszula.uciechowska.biotech.ug.edu.pl>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018 11:55:12 +0200

Dear Amber users,

I have an MG ion in my gag-receptor complex. However after running mmpbsa
as I wrote before I was obtaining an mismatch error. The reason for that
was that the mmpbsa.py automatically strips from the trajectory certain
ions as well as magnesium ...

In _MMPBSA_normal_traj_cpptraj.out I found ...

 Reading '../top.top' as Amber Topology
        Radius Set: modified Bondi radii (mbondi)
INPUT: Reading input from 'STDIN'
  [trajin ../prod5.mdcrd 1 1000 1]
        Reading '../prod5.mdcrd' as Amber NetCDF
        Progress bar will not be used during Run.
  [strip :WAT,Cl*,CIO,Cs+,IB,K*,Li+,MG*,Na+,Rb+,CS,RB,NA,F,CL]
    STRIP: Stripping atoms in mask

My question is how to "un-strip" the MG? Is there any script file in
mmpbsa tool that I could edit?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.


> On Fri, Jun 15, 2018, Urszula Uciechowska wrote:
>> I checked the sander complex file and mmpbsa complains about the atom
>> mismatch, I do not really understand why there is an atom mismatch?
> This means the number of atoms in the coordinate file does not match the
> number of atoms in the corresponding prmtop file. Did you look at the
> both the coordinate and prmtop files? Do they (perhaps) differ by one
> atom?
> Second thing to do: generate the complex prmtop and trajectory files "by
> hand", not using any script. Compare what you get with the files that
> are generated by the script. Can you spot any differences?
>> FATAL: NATOM mismatch in coord and topology files
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Urszula Uciechowska PhD
University of Gdansk and Medical Univesity of Gdansk
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
ul. Abrahama 58
80-307 Gdańsk

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Received on Tue Jun 19 2018 - 03:00:02 PDT
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