Amber Archive Jul 2009 by subject
- [AMBER] (no subject)
- [AMBER] -a flag :RESP
- [AMBER] [ALERT]: It's the time to come out on streets and stop the complete nation on it's place - Take immediate actions at once with full force.
- [AMBER] Acetylate and Amidate
- [AMBER] Alpha-L-Methys Fucose structure problem bond 0fA.d.C1 OME.d.O "S"
- [AMBER] Am I doing the right thing
- [AMBER] amber dihedral format
- [AMBER] AMBER windows version ?
- [AMBER] amber10 installation problem
- [AMBER] amber10 parallel compiling error
- [AMBER] Amber10, Serial compilation with ifort
- [AMBER] amber9 in fedora10
- [AMBER] ambpdb problem
- [AMBER] amino acids caps for truncated proteins
- [AMBER] antechamber
- [AMBER] Antechamber prep question
- [AMBER] Average structure over simulation
- [AMBER] Boundary Condition Problem
- [AMBER] Box shape change
- [AMBER] bug in antechamber
- [AMBER] bugfix 10 failing for ambertools1.2
- [AMBER] calculation of binding energy for lectin and fucuse..
- [AMBER] calculation of the solvent accessibility
- [AMBER] Can I get the torsion angle between base-pairs using ptraj ?
- [AMBER] carbonic anhydrase (CA) simulation
- [AMBER] charge not zero on group: RESP
- [AMBER] charged or not
- [AMBER] charges in topology file
- [AMBER] command for RESP fitting
- [AMBER] Compilation error with pmemd (amber10) on fedora9 64 bits
- [AMBER] Compiling AMBER 10 (parallel, MPICH2) on Mac OS X Intel w/gcc, ifort, icc
- [AMBER] Compiling Amber 10 (serial) on Mac OS X 10.5.7 w/ gcc, Intel Fortan 11.0 and MKL 10.0
- [AMBER] Compiling AmberTools 1.2 with intel compilers for Mac Osx in 64 bits
- [AMBER] Coordinate resetting (SHAKE) cannot be accomplished,
- [AMBER] Could not find bond parameter for O2 - ca
- [AMBER] Could not find type: MG Parameter file was not saved.
- [AMBER] Could not find type: MG Parameter file was not saved. though it was loaded
- [AMBER] Counterion release and Free energy of binding ?
- [AMBER] cpin error
- [AMBER] default integration scheme in 7 vs. 10
- [AMBER] Different machines
- [AMBER] different results for antechamber/mopac for the same input
- [AMBER] diffusion coeficients
- [AMBER] Directory - GAFF Parameter File?
- [AMBER] Disappearing common atoms in Amber 10 with TI
- [AMBER] DNA + intercalator
- [AMBER] EPtot for Alpha-L- methyl fucose
- [AMBER] Equilibration step
- [AMBER] Equilibrium water density
- [AMBER] equivalent atoms
- [AMBER] error in antechamber
- [AMBER] Error in Sander Output File
- [AMBER] errors of PMEMD installation
- [AMBER] ESP charges of Fe4S4
- [AMBER] Exclamation marks in trajectory
- [AMBER] ff parameters
- [AMBER] File conversion for from Amber to Charmm
- [AMBER] file truncated : Output file truncated during equilibration of salivated complex in MM-PBSA
- [AMBER] GAFF and NME, ACE terminal res
- [AMBER] H-bond vs. VdW
- [AMBER] help needed for HID
- [AMBER] Holding ligand rigid for minimization
- [AMBER] how to choose exclusion policy for GPCR
- [AMBER] How to fix specific atoms? (not residue)
- [AMBER] how to launch XLEaP from SSH Secure Shell?
- [AMBER] How to read md trajectory for each time slice as an input coordinate
- [AMBER] How to visualize PCA results without IED?
- [AMBER] IGB=7 vs IGB=5
- [AMBER] implicit solvent (GB version2) MD simulation
- [AMBER] Installing Amber10 on Ubuntu
- [AMBER] Installing of amber10
- [AMBER] installing of amber10 problem
- [AMBER] Is rmsd ~ 3 A reasonable for a 4ns simulation?
- [AMBER] Langevin Dynamics in AMBER10
- [AMBER] Leap Questions...
- [AMBER] ligand/protein minimization
- [AMBER] loading a mol2 file in xleap
- [AMBER] mailing list
- [AMBER] Manganese
- [AMBER] Manganese bondi radii
- [AMBER] Manganese bondi radii for mm/pbsa calculation
- [AMBER] manganese bondi radii for mm_pbsa calculation
- [AMBER] Metalloproteins - Ligand Protonation
- [AMBER] missing Halogen parameters (radii) for PBSA/GBSA calculations - PB Bomb in pb_aaradi(): No radius assigned for atom
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA cannot finish without error message.
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA delphi.crg and delphi.siz
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA problem
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA tail: equil.out: file truncated during equilibration of salivated complex
- [AMBER] Molecular Modeling Workshop and Model(l)ing'09 in Erlangen, Germany
- [AMBER] MPI error
- [AMBER] MPI process terminated unexpectedly forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT)
- [AMBER] mpirun noticed that process rank 1 ... on signal 1 (Hangup).
- [AMBER] nasty memory bug in calculatePrincipalAxis
- [AMBER] need charges of FE-S cluster
- [AMBER] Need help for PMEMD 10 installation
- [AMBER] non standard residue
- [AMBER] Non-Standard Amino Acid Residue LEAP ERROR
- [AMBER] nonbon.f question
- [AMBER] Nonstandard molecules simulated with parm99EP ?
- [AMBER] Normal mode analysis of water
- [AMBER] ntt=3 and ibelly=1
- [AMBER] only ff94 and ff99 for GBSA?
- [AMBER] ouput trajectory of only CA atom
- [AMBER] Output file truncated during equilibration of salivated complex in MM-PBSA
- [AMBER] Output forces in Sander
- [AMBER] Patching terminal
- [AMBER] PCA analysis: the first vector is the movement of whole molecule.
- [AMBER] pdb file no bond and charges
- [AMBER] Peptide bond broken
- [AMBER] Please help me out
- [AMBER] PLUMED release 1.1.0 available
- [AMBER] PMEMD in a Cygwin Environment
- [AMBER] PMEMD in a Cygwin Environment 8%
- [AMBER] pmemd/bintraj and ifort
- [AMBER] position v time graph
- [AMBER] Principle Questions
- [AMBER] problem from xleap
- [AMBER] Problem with amber9 installation
- [AMBER] problem with energy calculations
- [AMBER] problem with the energetics of the system
- [AMBER] production phase
- [AMBER] Protonated or not
- [AMBER] ptraj - cluster
- [AMBER] ptraj grid option
- [AMBER] ptraj mask selection
- [AMBER] ptraj-radial distribution function
- [AMBER] pulling two atoms in SMD
- [AMBER] QMMM outupts
- [AMBER] query
- [AMBER] query regarding FE4S4
- [AMBER] question of ibelly used in pmemd
- [AMBER] question of mm_pbsa
- [AMBER] Question on REST and VALUE1 keywords
- [AMBER] questions about RESP
- [AMBER] R.E.D intra-mcc and reorientation
- [AMBER] R.E.D. help please
- [AMBER] radical simulation
- [AMBER] radius for Manganese ion
- [AMBER] rdparm bug?
- [AMBER] RED.III: Invalid Optimization OUTPUT
- [AMBER] RED: Charge derivation of transtion state analogue
- [AMBER] reference re. determining size of timestep
- [AMBER] Regarding Hbond interactions
- [AMBER] Regarding Running QM/MM NEB with PM3-PDDG using Amber10
- [AMBER] Removed proton in protein (Advanced Tutorials A1 old)
- [AMBER] Replacing DNA base with analog
- [AMBER] residues lacking connect0/connect1
- [AMBER] RESP fit
- [AMBER] Restrained backbone conformation MD simulation"
- [AMBER] rmsd_dna
- [AMBER] rmsd_ptraj
- [AMBER] saquinavir parameterization with antechamber
- [AMBER] Simulation with United atom force field in Implicit solvent.
- [AMBER] Steered MD---more than one pair of atoms
- [AMBER] Steered MD.....SHAKE error!!
- [AMBER] Steps for NMR structure minimization
- [AMBER] suitable force field
- [AMBER] Syntax Bellymask
- [AMBER] The problem of restart file
- [AMBER] The Right Neutralization Procedure and Ionic Strength Calculation ?
- [AMBER] thymidine monophosphate parametrization
- [AMBER] Tleap input error, atom not found in residue template
- [AMBER] TMD: solvation and equilibration questions
- [AMBER] Trouble saving amberparm files
- [AMBER] Tutorial A3
- [AMBER] Umbrella Sampling
- [AMBER] unable to read MM charges
- [AMBER] unable to read MM charges (no reply yet)
- [AMBER] unexplained blow-up at restart
- [AMBER] unsolved verbosity when running minimization
- [AMBER] Using idecomp=3 with igb=10 (PB)
- [AMBER] vertex atom mismatch
- [AMBER] vlimit error after heating restart
- [AMBER] vlimit exceeded....nscu_SMD!!
- [AMBER] What is the meaning of "rms first *"
- [AMBER] which keyword
- [AMBER] xleap facility to insert a residue
- [AMBER] Zinc ion, help
- [q4md-fft] Charge calculation or non standard residue
- Ambertools 1.2 installation error
- ask for help (zn parameters)
- Average structure over simulation
- AW: [AMBER] Steered MD---more than one pair of atoms
- bug in antechamber
- bugfix 10 failing for ambertools1.2
- charge not zero on group:''''.respin1 attached
- Directory - GAFF Parameter File?
- Error in REDIII
- MM-PBSA delphi.crg and delphi.siz
- MM-PBSA test jobs error messages
- MM-PBSA test jobs error messages (Can i fix the problem without recompile the amber?)
- MM-PBSA test jobs error messages (with bugfix.all)
- mpirun noticed that process rank 1 ... on signal 1 (Hangup).
- non aminoacid Residue
- pls help and suggest
- pmemd parallel
- problem of installation of amber10
- question about TUTORIAL A1
- Questions about QMMM
- reference re. size of dt
- Request to mailing list AMBER rejected
- Solved it thanks [AMBER] RED.III: Invalid Optimization OUTPUT
- suggestions
- the copper paramter
- 回复: [AMBER] amber10 parallel compiling error
- 回复: [AMBER] antechamber
- 回复: [AMBER] errors of PMEMD installation
- 回复: [AMBER] missing Halogen parameters (radii) for PBSA/GBSA calculations - PB Bomb in pb_aaradi(): No radius assigned for atom
- 回复: [AMBER] question of mm_pbsa
- 回复: 回复: [AMBER] antechamber
- 答复: [AMBER] Coordinate resetting (SHAKE) cannot be accomplished,
- Last message date: Wed Aug 19 2009 - 19:59:29 PDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 23 2025 - 05:53:57 PST