[AMBER] Compilation error with pmemd (amber10) on fedora9 64 bits

From: Nicolas SAPAY <nicolas.sapay.cermav.cnrs.fr>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 10:41:21 +0100

Hello everybody,

I've got some hard time compiling pmemd on a fedora9 64 bits. I use the
following command line to configure the installation:

./configure linux_em64t f90 lam fftw bintraj
amber is in : home/software/amber10
lam is in : /usr/lib64/lam
fftw is in : /home/software/fftw-3.2.1
netCDF is in : /home/software/netcdf-4.0.1

The AMBERHOME and MPI_HOME variables have been set accordingly. The
configuration runs smoothly, but the compilation fails with the following

$ make install
cd src && make install
make[1]: enter in directory « /home/software/amber10/src/pmemd/src »
/lib/cpp -P -I/home/software/fftw-3.2.1/incude -I/usr/lib64/lam/include
-DDIRFRC_NOVEC gbl_constants.fpp gbl_constants.f90
gfortran -old_rl -c -O3 -msse3 gbl_constants.f90
/lib/cpp -P -I/home/software/fftw-3.2.1/incude -I/usr/lib64/lam/include
-DDIRFRC_NOVEC gbl_datatypes.fpp gbl_datatypes.f90
gbl_datatypes.fpp:18:18: error: missing terminating ' character
gbl_datatypes.fpp:30:54: error: missing terminating ' character
gbl_datatypes.fpp:39:55: error: missing terminating ' character
gbl_datatypes.fpp:49:55: error: missing terminating ' character
gbl_datatypes.fpp:56:58: error: missing terminating ' character
gbl_datatypes.fpp:63:57: error: missing terminating ' character
make[1]: *** [fft1d.o] Error 1
make[1]: leaving directory « /home/software/amber10/src/pmemd/src » make:
*** [install] Error 2

Does someone have a suggestion to fix this problem? Note that gcc4.3 is
installed on my system.

Thanks a lot,

[ Nicolas Sapay - Post-Doctoral Fellow ]
CERMAV - www.cermav.cnrs.fr
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Received on Wed Aug 19 2009 - 19:55:27 PDT
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