After much agony, I was able to successfully compile Amber 10 serial
with ifort and the MKL using the following procedure.
1) ./configure_amber -nopar -nosanderidc ifort_macosx
2) in config_amber.h,
a) add -xHost to FFLAGS and FOPTFLAGS
b) change the LOADLIB line, as so:
LOADLIB= -L/Library/Frameworks/Intel_MKL.framework/Versions/Current/
lib/32 \
libmkl_solver_sequential.a \
-lmkl_intel -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_lapack -lguide -lpthread
Now, onto a parallel (SMP) build!
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Received on Tue Jul 21 2009 - 18:09:10 PDT