Dear Amber user,
I would like to do the Dynamic Cross Correlation Map (DCCM) analysis.
Searching AMBER archive showed that similar questions have been posted
before but no answer.
I have a question about the cross-correlation calculation using ptraj (Amber
9). I use the following input for ptraj:
matrix correl name ABC_corr .CA out ABC_corr.dat
My questions are;
1) Does the "correl" result give me the so-called "DCCM"? I noticed some
publications showed the across-correlation map that was obtained form ptraj,
it seems to me they never use the term DCCM.
2) How can I plot the correlation matrix map (ABC_corr.dat)? Could you
please suggest me a graphic program for the correlation matrix data plot?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Rajapandian. V
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 07 2009 - 10:07:50 PDT