Amber Archive Jun 2009 by subject
- [AMBER] "loadoff tRNA.lib" in Leap
- [AMBER] (no subject)
- [AMBER] 2 restraints with different force constants
- [AMBER] 2-step vs 3-step TI, and softcores question
- [AMBER] a method or program to try to guess the net charge of a small molecule
- [AMBER] About the "FATAL: Atom err!"
- [AMBER] About the "FATAL: Atom err"!
- [AMBER] About the Amber tutorial
- [AMBER] ADD SALT additional question
- [AMBER] addions
- [AMBER] AMBER 10: sleap diff errors?
- [AMBER] AMBER question: bad atom type: MN
- [AMBER] Amber tools 1.2 , Bug report (PTRAJ: dumpq with strip)
- [AMBER] Amber10 Parallel Installation
- [AMBER] Amber10 Parallel Installation 8%
- [AMBER] AMBER10: error message mdfil flag.....
- [AMBER] Analysis of the solt-bridge
- [AMBER] Antechamber am1bcc questions
- [AMBER] Antechamber: stuck at bondtype
- [AMBER] Are ntrp=1000, ntwx=1000, ntwr=500 reasonable for long MD simulations?
- [AMBER] ask for parm99MOD
- [AMBER] Atom names
- [AMBER] atom number exceeds the MAXATOM when running antechamber
- [AMBER] atom type
- [AMBER] Atom Type List
- [AMBER] atom type no recognize - xleap version 10 but fine in v 9
- [AMBER] atomtypes in gaff
- [AMBER] average torsional energy
- [AMBER] bad atom type: MN
- [AMBER] Binding Energy
- [AMBER] bond length energy
- [AMBER] Box Center
- [AMBER] calculating the hydrogen bonding energy between the two molecule
- [AMBER] Can we define +1 or -1 charge for an organic drug using GAFF?
- [AMBER] Can we use GROMACS or NAMD for MD, and then use MM-PBSA to culculate binding energy
- [AMBER] Choice of force feild
- [AMBER] Choice of force field
- [AMBER] Coarse grained MD in AMBER ?
- [AMBER] Compiling amber 9 with openMPI
- [AMBER] compiling amber10 with mac intel, ifort/icc and mpi
- [AMBER] Compiling and running NAB programs in parallel using MPI
- [AMBER] Completed installation of AmberTools, version 1.1
- [AMBER] Computational Alanine Scanning using mm_pbsa, any tutorial for amber9 or amber 10 version?
- [AMBER] connecting residues
- [AMBER] Constant pH simulation
- [AMBER] converting vibrational frequency
- [AMBER] Copper semiempirical parameters
- [AMBER] correlation motion at production simulation period still changing. Is it normal?
- [AMBER] covalent interaction
- [AMBER] create a simulation box
- [AMBER] creating bond
- [AMBER] different comformations to choose for RESP
- [AMBER] dipole printing
- [AMBER] Distance restraints between groups of atoms
- [AMBER] Distance-covariance and PCA questions...
- [AMBER] DNA as well as protein distorted during MD run in sander
- [AMBER] Dyndom
- [AMBER] entangle-less building
- [AMBER] Error in AMBER ( Vertex atom mismatch in Amber)
- [AMBER] Error in MM PBSA
- [AMBER] Error in MM PBSA (vertex atom mismatch)
- [AMBER] error in tleap of AMBER 10
- [AMBER] Error message? INFO: Old style inpcrd file read
- [AMBER] Error on equilibriation of Amber10
- [AMBER] Error when installing amber11 on OpenSuse
- [AMBER] explicit solvent NMR refinement
- [AMBER] Fe and Mn simulations
- [AMBER] Fe-S topology
- [AMBER] Fix Residue continued...
- [AMBER] Fix the local structure as a rigid body
- [AMBER] force field choice
- [AMBER] Force field parameter for Unionized Phenylalanine HOOC-CH(NH2)-CH2-C6H5
- [AMBER] force units
- [AMBER] force.f routine
- [AMBER] From DLG to Antechamber
- [AMBER] Fwd: average torsional energy
- [AMBER] GAFF and solvents.lib error
- [AMBER] GAFF atom type question
- [AMBER] Generating LeAP file for helix containing non-standard amino acid
- [AMBER] GLYCAM: warnings by writing topology
- [AMBER] glycopeptide Parametrization
- [AMBER] guessing the charge of a small molecule
- [AMBER] Half charge reported during NN ?
- [AMBER] Hard limit in Amber10?
- [AMBER] hbond_DNAtraj
- [AMBER] help
- [AMBER] help with parameters for ions
- [AMBER] Histidine, which form?
- [AMBER] how to add ions
- [AMBER] how to add water for membrane, in Z direction only or xyz
- [AMBER] How to build amide bond etween two protein chains
- [AMBER] How to calculate SASA in vmd
- [AMBER] How to calculate the distance of CA of all residues in the trajectory
- [AMBER] how to choose different comformations for RESP
- [AMBER] how to creat an mixture sovlent of hexane and water
- [AMBER] how to create prmtop and inpcrd files for covalent neutral phenylalanine
- [AMBER] how to know that adequate equilibration from rmsd curve of equilibration
- [AMBER] IGB=7 vs IGB=5
- [AMBER] Improper dihedrals between residues?
- [AMBER] Improper dihedrals from .off and .lib files
- [AMBER] improper torsion problem
- [AMBER] input coordinates for vdW transition step in Amber 10 TI
- [AMBER] installation of RESP programm
- [AMBER] Is the result of sander same as that of pmemd?
- [AMBER] J coupling constant calculation
- [AMBER] ligand QM/semi-empirical coords optmisation
- [AMBER] Lost mail
- [AMBER] makeDIST_RST: no map function for ambiguous restraint
- [AMBER] making leap to recognize 5' phosphate
- [AMBER] max atoms for antechamber
- [AMBER] Max filename length in Sander?
- [AMBER] MaxRad ?
- [AMBER] methyl group at the N-terminal
- [AMBER] minimization to reduce covalent deviation
- [AMBER] MM decomp energy - zero values for Eele, Evdw
- [AMBER] MM PBSA ( Vertex atom mismatch in Amber)
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA nmode statistics
- [AMBER] mm_pbsa_statistics-CALC DELTA parameter ?
- [AMBER] MMPBSA and error
- [AMBER] mol2 file to amber pdb file format
- [AMBER] NAB memory
- [AMBER] NAB memory increase
- [AMBER] Need help with nab code to access the m_prm struct in a molecule
- [AMBER] net charge
- [AMBER] no output when running Antechamber(espgen)
- [AMBER] NO output when running espgen?
- [AMBER] Nonstandard molecules simulated with parm99EP ?
- [AMBER] only ff94 and ff99 for GBSA?
- [AMBER] parallel error
- [AMBER] parameter for dihedral angle
- [AMBER] parameters Fe4S4 cluster
- [AMBER] partial charges from AM1-BCC and RESP differ a lot
- [AMBER] Partial charges of heme
- [AMBER] PCA for CA of specific resiudes
- [AMBER] Pentavalent Phosphorous and Antechamber
- [AMBER] pKa data base....
- [AMBER] PLEASE HELP - PDB Modification
- [AMBER] PMEMD compilation
- [AMBER] Postdoc position in biomolecular simulation
- [AMBER] preparation of two solutes of organic molecules in a simulation box
- [AMBER] problem in pressure equillibration
- [AMBER] problem with creation of prmtop and prmcrd files
- [AMBER] Problem with modified trna[Fwd: problem with creation of prmtop and prmcrd files]
- [AMBER] Problem with modified trna[Fwd: problem with creation of prmtop and prmcrd files]]
- [AMBER] problem with parametrization
- [AMBER] Problem with radial distribution function
- [AMBER] Problems using nmode in NAB
- [AMBER] problems with EP of TIP4PEW
- [AMBER] problems with ptraj option IMAGE
- [AMBER] Proper ISTRNG value ?
- [AMBER] ptraj "image" "center" commands
- [AMBER] ptraj amber 10 file.
- [AMBER] ptraj clustering with sieve- unexpected Bus Error
- [AMBER] ptraj correlation
- [AMBER] ptraj image in non-orthorhombic cell
- [AMBER] ptraj quasiharmonic analysis
- [AMBER] PTRAJ, rms for separated residues.
- [AMBER] ptraj_hbond_problem
- [AMBER] QQD psuedoatom restraints
- [AMBER] query about the charge fitting procedure about C- and N-terminal residues
- [AMBER] question
- [AMBER] Question of about MM-PBSA and script
- [AMBER] radial distribution without normalization
- [AMBER] reclaiming space from amber10 installation
- [AMBER] RED Geometry Calculation Error
- [AMBER] Reference Correction
- [AMBER] Regd: parameter Fe4S4
- [AMBER] rescaling velocities
- [AMBER] residue
- [AMBER] Residues
- [AMBER] RNA and polarizable force field
- [AMBER] Saccharides chains termini
- [AMBER] SANDER BOMB in subroutine nonbond_list
- [AMBER] sander error
- [AMBER] Sander imin=5 option
- [AMBER] Seg-fault when creating residue
- [AMBER] setBox truncated octahedron
- [AMBER] setting atomic radii for GB version 7
- [AMBER] Simulations including RNA-protein complexes...
- [AMBER] sleap and delete
- [AMBER] SOS - too high binding energy
- [AMBER] spc.itp for the Amber force field
- [AMBER] Specifying improper dihedrals
- [AMBER] Steps for NMR structure minimization
- [AMBER] steps for NMR structure minimization of protein
- [AMBER] Strange contacts with water molecules
- [AMBER] Sulfates parameterization for GAGs in GLYCAM_06
- [AMBER] Targeted MD and QM/MM
- [AMBER] Thanks Simon and Vlad!
- [AMBER] Thermodynamic parameters in mm_PBSA - NAB ?
- [AMBER] to check basepair in ptraj
- [AMBER] to unsubscribe email
- [AMBER] too high in binding energy (MM-PBSA)
- [AMBER] total charge for NPRO in ff03ua
- [AMBER] Trying to patch amber 9
- [AMBER] unit of charge in prep files
- [AMBER] unit of force constant
- [AMBER] Unknown residue: MOL number: 30 type: Terminal/last
- [AMBER] use of random seed in multiple runs
- [AMBER] Velocity rescaling and ig...
- [AMBER] Vertex atom mismatch in Amber
- [AMBER] vlimit in TI with soft core potential
- [AMBER] has sent you a private message
- [AMBER] Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for
- [AMBER] What is the parallel efficiency of amber10
- [AMBER] where to I get the parameters for Mg divalent ion
- [AMBER] Your private message from Vikas is about to expire
- [AMBER] zinc coordination of benzimidazole
- [Contact q4md] qurey reagarding RED Server
- addions
- AW: [AMBER] 2 restraints with different force constants
- AW: [AMBER] atomtypes in gaff
- AW: [AMBER] zinc coordination of benzimidazole
- AW: AW: [AMBER] atomtypes in gaff
- AW: AW: AW: [AMBER] atomtypes in gaff
- connect
- Error on equilibriation of Amber10
- force units
- net charge
- question about ff
- R.E.D. error message
- R: [AMBER] Amber10 Parallel Installation
- Regd: Fe4S4
- residue
- Residues
- Seg-fault when creating residue
- 回复: [AMBER] Error in MM PBSA
- 回复: [AMBER] parallel error
- 回复: [AMBER] too high in binding energy (MM-PBSA)
- 回复: 回复: [AMBER] parallel error
- 回复: 回复: [AMBER] too high in binding energy (MM-PBSA)
- 回复: 回复: 回复: [AMBER] parallel error
- 回复: 回复: 回复: [AMBER] too high in binding energy (MM-PBSA)
- 回复: 回复: 回复: 回复: [AMBER] parallel error
- 回复: 回复: 回复: 回复: [AMBER] too high in binding energy (MM-PBSA)
- Last message date: Mon Jul 06 2009 - 12:23:12 PDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 23 2025 - 05:53:55 PST