Amber Archive May 2009 by subject
- Marek Malý (Fri May 08 2009 - 12:12:39 PDT)
- [AMBER] "Parameter file not generated"
- [AMBER] 2 atoms not in residue template
- [AMBER] A confusion about tutorial B1
- [AMBER] ACE residue - and - different labels
- [AMBER] ACE residue - and different labels
- [AMBER] adding a standard amino acid as ligand
- [AMBER] Adding non standard residues
- [AMBER] Alignment of small molecule on peptide fragment
- [AMBER] Amber - Leap- SolvateBox help
- [AMBER] Amber 10 install parallel problem
- [AMBER] AMBER 10 output
- [AMBER] AMBER 94 Charges for terminal LYN, GLH, ASH and CYM residues and some other unusual cases.
- [AMBER] Amber FF and Glycam
- [AMBER] AMBER for dual core processor?
- [AMBER] Amber/CHARMM summer school
- [AMBER] amber9 in fedora10
- [AMBER] ambertools for NAMD
- [AMBER] AMOEBA and carbon nanotubes + include parameters
- [AMBER] anal output: Entalphy or Free Energy?
- [AMBER] ask for parm99MOD
- [AMBER] broken Ligand
- [AMBER] building quadruplex with NAB
- [AMBER] Can bond clevage & formation conducted by qm/mm via sander?
- [AMBER] can I get partial charge for lipid membrane with Antechamber and RESP
- [AMBER] Can I use only a single point calculation to derive RESP charges?
- [AMBER] Can we use GROMACS or NAMD for MD, and then use MM-PBSA to culculate binding energy
- [AMBER] chain restrain x TI
- [AMBER] Changing bond length
- [AMBER] charge of Fe-heme
- [AMBER] Charge problem
- [AMBER] Choice of force feild
- [AMBER] Choice of force field
- [AMBER] Conformation of sulfated Glucosamine
- [AMBER] contacts in ptraj
- [AMBER] create a simulation box
- [AMBER] creating new residue adds none wanted ter
- [AMBER] Cyclodextrin forcefield
- [AMBER] decomposition and alanine scanning
- [AMBER] dftb_disper problem
- [AMBER] difference in temperature
- [AMBER] equilibration stops for dimer simulation with REMD
- [AMBER] Error in binding energy (MM PBSA)
- [AMBER] Error in MM PBSA
- [AMBER] Error in parallel run
- [AMBER] Error in PMEMD run
- [AMBER] ERROR in ptrajInitializeState(): Attempting ....
- [AMBER] Error message for tutorial 1 (run in parallel)
- [AMBER] Error message in "make test.sander"
- [AMBER] Error message in "make test.sander" Is amber compatible with dual processors?
- [AMBER] Error running MM script
- [AMBER] Error: cannot run prepgen
- [AMBER] errors when add ions
- [AMBER] essential dynamics
- [AMBER] FATAL error in creating topology and coordinate files for organic molecules with Antechamber
- [AMBER] FE: unexpected coordination 4 - using nonstandard tree type '4'
- [AMBER] file contains 2 atoms not in residue templates
- [AMBER] free enrgy error in MM PBSA
- [AMBER] gaff and aromatic compounds
- [AMBER] get typeid of -1, sleap - AMBER with amoeba ff
- [AMBER] hbond_ptraj
- [AMBER] heating advice
- [AMBER] help with RESP tutorial using antechamber and gaussian
- [AMBER] High energy during minimization
- [AMBER] how to assign radii parameters to certain atoms when fitting RESP charge using antechamber
- [AMBER] How to choose the counter ions for proteins?
- [AMBER] how to know that adequate equilibration from rmsd curve of equilibration
- [AMBER] How to know that the md is stable in equilibration run
- [AMBER] how to make the different/specific displacement of ligand around protein?
- [AMBER] How to setup the pH value?
- [AMBER] How to take into account the charge in GAFF parameterization
- [AMBER] how to use two dimensions periodic boundary ?
- [AMBER] Influence about HIS-HIE-HIS-HIP
- [AMBER] Installation directory
- [AMBER] Issue related to saving the vector in ptraj
- [AMBER] Issue related to vector saving
- [AMBER] J coupling constant calculation
- [AMBER] LCPO or Molsurf?
- [AMBER] ligand QM/semi-empirical coords optmisation
- [AMBER] lipid membrane(dppc) in amber
- [AMBER] Loading PDB of complex
- [AMBER] loadpdb atom type
- [AMBER] make test.parallel.MM error
- [AMBER] makeDIST_RST: no map function for ambiguous restraint
- [AMBER] mdfil: Error unknown flag during sander minimization
- [AMBER] Minimization error on protonated system? Please help. Thanks!
- [AMBER] Minimization on MM-PBSA
- [AMBER] MM PBSA output
- [AMBER] MM-GBSA energy decomposition and pairwise decomposition question
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA nmode statistics
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA statistics
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA tutorial
- [AMBER] MM-PBSA with explicit water
- [AMBER] MM_PBSA problem in Amber 9
- [AMBER] MMPBSA extract coordinate
- [AMBER] MMPBSA- interaction energy for every frame
- [AMBER] Modification of His
- [AMBER] Modifying a water molecule
- [AMBER] molecular crystal simulation
- [AMBER] Molecular simulation of a protein using special H2O cluster
- [AMBER] molsurf and probe radius
- [AMBER] multiple chain specification in Sander
- [AMBER] Nab units ?
- [AMBER] nanoseconds of simulation with nscm=0
- [AMBER] no equilibrium
- [AMBER] Non-zero internal energy in single trajectory MM-PBSA calculations
- [AMBER] normal mode analysis
- [AMBER] normal modes calculation
- [AMBER] ntf, ntc with softcore potentials and TI in amber10
- [AMBER] Number of processor in pmemd
- [AMBER] ongoing issues using sander with AMOEBA
- [AMBER] parallel amber on cluster
- [AMBER] Parameter file content
- [AMBER] Parameter file not saved
- [AMBER] PARMCAL calculation ?
- [AMBER] partial charge and topology of intrastrand cross-link DNA
- [AMBER] partial charges of lipid membrane for GPCR system
- [AMBER] please help me out
- [AMBER] pmemd compilation error
- [AMBER] pmemd running very slow in amber10
- [AMBER] positive value of binding enrgy after MM PBSA
- [AMBER] prmtop
- [AMBER] Problem in Nmode
- [AMBER] Problem in production run
- [AMBER] problem with cutoff
- [AMBER] problem with MM-PBSA
- [AMBER] Problem with MM-PBSA energy calculation
- [AMBER] Problem with Nmode
- [AMBER] Problem with nonstandard residues
- [AMBER] problem with parmchk
- [AMBER] problem with program anal within Amber10
- [AMBER] Problems in the result of MM_PBSA
- [AMBER] Problems with PMEMD installation for AMBER10
- [AMBER] Protein Docking
- [AMBER] protein molecular weight?
- [AMBER] Protein with HETATM, am I doing the
- [AMBER] Protein with HETATM, am I doing the right thing
- [AMBER] ptraj netcdf
- [AMBER] ptraj PCA - Highest Eigenvalues or First 2 Calculated?
- [AMBER] ptraj questions
- [AMBER] QM/MM assigns Cd to C, Se to S
- [AMBER] QQD psuedoatom restraints
- [AMBER] Question about &dipoles printing in AMBER 8
- [AMBER] Question about Thermal Integration with Softcore
- [AMBER] Radius for Bromine in MMPBSA calculation
- [AMBER] resp charge
- [AMBER] Running PTRAJ command line scripts in background
- [AMBER] scee term
- [AMBER] Script for parallel runs
- [AMBER] Script for parallel runs 2
- [AMBER] secstruct with ptraj
- [AMBER] Segmentation error in Ptraj
- [AMBER] skip parallel test
- [AMBER] solutes in a simulation box
- [AMBER] Strange high temperature in softcore TI
- [AMBER] Suggestion for restraining chain of a protein
- [AMBER] Targeted MD and QM/MM
- [AMBER] the atom number exceeds the MAXATOM, reallocate memory automatically
- [AMBER] The largest AMBER calculation(s)?
- [AMBER] The protein swell?
- [AMBER] The resonable way to create single strand DNA with NAB ?
- [AMBER] Tutorial 4 Parameter file was not saved
- [AMBER] Tutorial 4 Please check the total charge and your -nc flag
- [AMBER] Tutorial A1
- [AMBER] unable to start xleap
- [AMBER] Unit 8 Error on OPEN: prmtop
- [AMBER] unnatural amino acid
- [AMBER] What are the elements to speed up the simulation?
- [AMBER] What is the purpose to do the bond constraints?
- [AMBER] Why does protein carry charges?
- [AMBER] Why NaCl or KCl solution?
- [AMBER] Why the job idle before the sentence "| Running AMBER/MPI version on 2 nodes"?
- [AMBER] xleap input pdb problem
- [AMBER] xleap reading hydrogens giving error
- [AMBER] xleap segmentation fault
- [AMBER] xleap, mac number problem
- [AMBER] xmin
- [Subject Filtered] [AMBER] hbond-error in amber9 8%
- About Amber installations
- About Amber10 installation "Possible Failure"
- add magnesium
- ERROR in ptrajInitializeState(): Attempting ....
- essential dynamics
- Help with xleap
- How to know that the md is stable in equilibration run
- Listing gaff parameters in frcmod
- MM-PBSA with explicit water
- xleap, mac number problem
- 回复: [AMBER] Error running MM script
- 回复: [AMBER] MM PBSA output
- 回复: 回复: [AMBER] Error running MM script
- Last message date: Mon Jun 01 2009 - 01:11:52 PDT
- Archived on: Fri Mar 07 2025 - 05:53:47 PST