Re: [AMBER] J coupling constant calculation

From: Dechang Li <>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 06:31:06 +0100

>Hi List,
>I was wondering if there is a program/script to calculate theorectical
>Jcoupling from the AMBER or GROMACS simulations? How can we determine the
        In GROMACS, the programe g_chi may be useful.

>conformational equlibrium (%) from the MD simulations?

>Help is appreciated.
>Neha Gandhi,
>School of Biomedical Sciences,
>Curtin University of Technology,
>GPO Box U1987 Perth,
>Western Australia 6845
>AMBER mailing list

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Received on Fri May 29 2009 - 01:16:48 PDT
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