On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 6:18 AM Paul Westphälinger
<paul_westphaelinger.ewetel.net> wrote:
> the problem is, that I am not interested in tracking down who is
> resposible for working on a bug, if I find one I want a place to publish
> it and be my work is not just ignored.
> This has been a problem for several members of my group.
Do you have an instance where you were ignored? I may have missed
something, but it seems like the only bug you have reported was a
memory leak in the GPU code when using center of mass restraints
(thanks for that by the way) which was eventually fixed by an update
from Charles Lin back in October. I think that in general the Amber
community is pretty good about responding to bug reports. I know it's
frustrating that this one took a while to fix, but most Amber
developers (myself included) are volunteers and can only work on Amber
in whatever spare time they have. Sometimes people develop code and
then move on to other projects, so new developers need time to become
familiar with the existing code before fixing any bugs. I know there
are a couple of bugs in cpptraj that I just haven't had time to get
to, but they are on my radar.
If you have reported a bug that has gone ignored (or if you're worried
about a future bug report/fix being ignored) I recommend posting to
the developer's list instead. As Jason mentioned, that list has lower
traffic so it's less likely your report will be missed. We definitely
appreciate the bug reports, so keep them coming so we can fix them!
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Nov 27 2018 - 07:00:02 PST