On Tue, Nov 22, 2022, Gert Kruger wrote:
>The Amber 22 Manual states (p22): You must first ensure that you have
>installed MPI and that mpicc and mpif90 are in your PATH.
>I have Ubuntu 22 installed on a PC. My mpicc and mpif90 are found
>under /usr/bin/
That should be fine: by default you will have /usr/bin in your PATH.
You can check by typing "which mpicc". (If you are new to Linux, section 10.1
in the Tutorials might help.)
>I find the following on the web (
You should not need to install mpich yourself.
...good luck....dac
(I hope this message gets through to you.)
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Received on Tue Nov 22 2022 - 11:00:02 PST