Re: [AMBER] Messages not getting through to the Amber Mailing List?

From: Dr. Anselm Horn via AMBER <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 11:58:03 +0100


we recently had a similar problem. The reason was that the central
spam-checker service had marked all messages originating from our
university and then received again from the mailing list as potentially
suspicious, due to some heuristics in the checker service; this was new
and unexpected to us (users).
The respective e-mails were automatically put into a spam/junk folder;
so they still existed and could be found, but not in the expected
location. (In the meantime, the situation changed back to normal again.)

Maybe there is a similar issue at your site - you could ask your
postmaster about that.



Am 22.11.2022 um 17:28 schrieb Suchetana Gupta via AMBER:
> We did get this email though!
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 8:26 AM Gert Kruger via AMBER <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Amber Mailing List,
>> I am a registered AMBER Mailing List user (I can see the posts by other
>> people).
>> However, it seems to me my messages to the group don't get through, as (a)
>> I get no replies and (b) I cannot find any of my messages on the Archive?
>> Would you be so kind to see if I am doing something wrong?
>> Below is an example of a Message I tried to send to the group.
>> Thanks and best wishes
>> Gert Kruger
>> From: Gert Kruger
>> Sent: Friday, 07 October 2022 14:19
>> To: AMBER Mailing List <>
>> Subject: Amber22 - compile the parallel (MPI) version of Amber
>> Dear All, (apologies for my ignorance!)
>> The Amber 22 Manual states (p22): You must first ensure that you have
>> installed MPI and that mpicc and mpif90 are in your PATH.
>> I have Ubuntu 22 installed on a PC. My mpicc and mpif90 are found
>> under /usr/bin/
>> I assume one can use the ~/.bashrc file for that?
>> I find the following on the web (
>> but it does not make sense to me?
>> PATH=/home/<USERNAME>/mpich-install/bin:$PATH ; export PATH
>> Any help will be much appreciated!
>> Best wishes
>> Gert Kruger
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Received on Wed Nov 23 2022 - 03:00:02 PST
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