Re: [AMBER] compile AMBER 22 with non-default gcc

From: David A Case via AMBER <>
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2022 10:48:27 -0400

On Sat, Nov 05, 2022, Vlad Cojocaru via AMBER wrote:
>Does anyone have any idea how to stop cmake from using the default gcc
>version ?

Scott's solution is the elegant one. But here's the alternative I use: I
allow cmake to use the default gcc, but make sure the compilers in my PATH
are the ones I want to use.

As an example, I create a /home/case/gcc11bin folder with three entries:
gcc, g++ and gfortran. Each of these points to the compiler I want, e.g.
     ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-11 gcc
     ln -s /usr/bin/g++-11 g++
     ln -s /usr/bin/gfortran-11 gfortran

Then, *for just the session when I compile Amber*, I do this:
     export PATH=/home/case/gcc11bin:$PATH

I can then run cmake with no extra flags.


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Received on Sat Nov 05 2022 - 08:00:02 PDT
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