I have run a regular MD on the same cyclic peptide and it runs fine and I
can do all visualisations and stuff. However when I generate the REMD
trajectories using the same structure, VMD gives the error of cannot load
On Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 12:58 PM David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
> On Sun, Jun 26, 2022, Suchetana Gupta via AMBER wrote:
> >Is there any updated tutorial for running REMD simulations? I am trying to
> >do REMD simulations for cyclic peptides using Amber20. I have followed the
> >tutorial...
> >Somehow, I am unable to visualise the trajectory after following these
> >steps. The trajectory does not load in VMD. Any solution for it?
> There should be no particular connection between using REMD, and having
> your
> system be a cyclic peptide.
> 1. does your system run OK without REMD, and can you visualize the
> trajectories?
> 2. What is the exact error message you get in VMD? At what stage of the
> process?
> ...thx...dac
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