On Thu, Nov 25, 2021, Ayesha Fatima wrote:
>Yes Unfortunately it does not show the error but the error is persisting
>even after commenting the line as earlier advised in the make file. has it
>got to do with the incompatibility of Ubuntu 20 and Amber 18?
I doubt that there is a fundamental inconsistency. I'm sure I have built
Amber18 on Ubuntu20, but I don't have details.
Have you commented out every reference to packmol_memgen in the Makefile?
Maybe having someone else look at the log file would help explain why the
packmol_memgen error still arises.
>Yes we are thinking of it and are looking for grant support.
Just note that AmberTools21 does not have a license fee.
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Received on Thu Nov 25 2021 - 18:00:02 PST