[AMBER] Question of Amber_ Sasaki

From: Shiho Ohno <s.ohno.tohoku-mpu.ac.jp>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2021 17:34:16 +0900


Dear Amber Administrator


Please excuse me for asking this question.

My name is Sasaki, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University.


I have a question about Amber, so I would like to contact you.


Q.I'm trying to install AmberTools19 on Amber18.

Initially, I found benchmarks, src, test, and README in the Amber18
directory, and saved AmberTools19.tar.bz2 in the Amber18 directory 
similarly, and unzipped it using tar xvfj AmberTools19.tar.bz2.


As a result, a new amber18 directory is added in the amber18 directory
(there are dat, doc and test directories in the new amber18). Is this normal


Q.Also, if I want to define an environment variable, should I do the export
AMBERHOME=... in a new Amber18 directory?


I would appreciate your answer.

Thank you very much for your time.


Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Sasaki


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Received on Mon Oct 04 2021 - 02:00:02 PDT
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