On Mon, Oct 04, 2021, Shiho Ohno wrote:
>Q.I'm trying to install AmberTools19 on Amber18.
>Initially, I found benchmarks, src, test, and README in the Amber18
>directory, and saved AmberTools19.tar.bz2 in the Amber18 directory 
>similarly, and unzipped it using tar xvfj AmberTools19.tar.bz2.
>As a result, a new amber18 directory is added in the amber18 directory
>(there are dat, doc and test directories in the new amber18). Is this normal
THe above is wrong: you need to untar the AmberTools19.tar.bz2 from the
folder *above* the amber18 folder, so that its contents go into the existing
amber18 folder. You don't want two "amber18" folders.
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Received on Mon Oct 04 2021 - 05:30:03 PDT