Hello, I emailed a couple questions about installing Amber 18 and issues I am having. Anyway, I decided to delete Amber 18 and start all over. Currently, I am at the step below and when I try to run the second line "source /home/myname/amber18/amber.csh # for csh, tcsh" I get the error below the sourceable script info "bash: setenv: command not found..." Is this an issue and if it is how do I resolve it and if it is not an issue should I simply continue with the installation.
These sourceable scripts will set up your shell environment correctly for Amber:
source /home/myname/amber18/amber.sh # for bash, zsh, ksh, etc.
source /home/myname/amber18/amber.csh # for csh, tcsh
[AmberPc.localhost amber18]$ source /home/clewis/amber18/amber.csh
bash: setenv: command not found...
bash: setenv: command not found...
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Received on Tue Dec 17 2019 - 16:00:02 PST