shared memory

From: Daniel GENEST <>
Date: Fri 06 Jul 2001 18:33:10 +0200

I use the serial version of sander (AMBER 5.0) on individual pc's runing
with pentium III processors under linux. Each pc is bi-processors and I
would like to run a parallelized version of sander using both processors on
a single pc. However the pc works on shared memory mode and we could not
compile the corresponding version of sander. As I see on the AMBER site
this version is available only for CRAY or SGI. We tried to use the MPI
version, it worked but time saving was only 30 per cent. Can we do
something or can we expect a shared memory version for pentium III or
pentium 4 under linux in the near future ?
thank you,
Daniel Genest

* Daniel Genest * E-mail: *
* CBM - CNRS * Phone : +33 (0)2 38 25 55 93 *
* rue Charles Sadron * Fax : +33 (0)2 38 63 15 17 *
* F-45071 Orleans cedex 2 * *
Received on Fri Jul 06 2001 - 09:33:10 PDT
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