Dear AMBER6 software team,
I am working about Molecular Dynamics simulations of cyclodextrins
in the solvent systems. I am interested with your AMBER (Version6)
program and would like to ask you some questions.
1) What are need to run AMBER6? (It can working alone or need other
program:InsightII, Sybyl(Version??), etc.)
2) Would you please provide us the special reduced price for the academic
license? How much we can obtain?
Thank you and very sorry about Professor Peter Kollman news.
Best Regards,
Dr. Luckhana Lawtrakul
Institute for Theoretical and Molecular Structural Biology,
University of Vienna,
Waehringer Strasse 17/605,
A-1090 Vienna,
Tel:+43-1-4277 52775
Fax:+43-1-4277 9527
Received on Fri Jul 06 2001 - 11:23:35 PDT