Dear Evgenii,
Thank you for using and pointing out these issues. For your
specific task, if you are only interested in the traditional point-charge
model, my current recommendation for you is still using the resp program,
which is still available in AmberTools.
Regarding the incompatibility issue of with antechamber, we are
actively working with its developer Prof. Junmei Wang to allow antechamber
to recognize the -t charge file of For respgen, we are
developing a new respgen program for generating input files for
with the flexibility of choosing point-charge, induced-dipole or
perm-dipole models. The updated antechamber program and respgen program
will be available in AmberTools2023.
Shiji Zhao
On Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 10:06 AM Евгений Кадцын via AMBER <>
> Dear experts,
> I have recently tried to use AmberTools2022 for non-standard residues
> parametrization as described in some classical tutorials. There is a stage
> of charge calculation using the RESP procedure. As I understand, a new
> utility is suggested to use for this purpose instead of old
> resp . But the output format of the new program differs from the old one,
> especially the format of the charge file (-t key). The old files contain
> the charges only in an order, in which atoms are arranged in a molecular
> input file, and there is much more information in the new file format. And
> the worst thing is that antechamber which should use these files to assign
> charges to atoms cannot understand them now, an error «Unable to find
> charges in file (filename). Verify the filename and the file contents»
> arises.
> I have tried the command:
> antechamber -i ace_leuol.mol2 -fi mol2 -o -o ac -c
> rc -fc ace_leuol.qout2
> and charge file ace_leuol.qout was obtained by:
> -i ace_leuol.respin1 -o ace_leuol.respout1 -t ace_leuol.qout1
> -e ace_leuol.esp
> -i ace_leuol.respin2 -o ace_leuol.respout2 -q ace_leuol.qout1
> -t ace_leuol.qout2 -e ace_leuol.esp -ace_leoul.newesp
> I’ve attached qout2 and mol2 files.
> As I understand, the only choice now is to rewrite charges from qout to ac
> file manually. Am I right or there is some way to do it using antechamber ?
> If it is the only way, then I just inform you about the problem (have not
> seen in FAQ) and hope that it will be fixed soon :)
> Another similar problem is related to the incompatibility of new
> and old respgen. has the default options ipol=5 and
> ipermdip=1 , and respgen creates respin files with these default values,
> while no atomic dipole values are used. Maybe there is some way to fix it
> except the manual addition of these keywords to the respin files or it also
> is worth to fix this behavior?
> With best regards,
> Evgenii Kadtsyn_______________________________________________
> AMBER mailing list
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Received on Mon Nov 28 2022 - 21:00:02 PST