Dear Amber Users,
I am trying to model a protein with two Zn ions (One coordinated with 4
CYS whereas the other coordinated with 2 CYS and 2 HIS (one in HIE and one
in HID protonation states)). I saw that Zn with 4 CYS can be modelled using
Center ID 1 from ZAFF. The closest I can find for other Zn is Center ID 4.
when I model the system, tleap throws, lengths, angles & torsions are
missing for interactions containing two Zn.
tleap -s
source leaprc.protein.ff14SB
addAtomTypes { { "ZN" "Zn" "sp3" } { "S3" "S" "sp3" } { "N2" "N" "sp3" } }
loadoff atomic_ions.lib
source leaprc.water.tip3p
loadamberprep ZAFF.prep
loadamberparams ZAFF.frcmod
x = loadpdb prepped_zaff_named.pdb
bond x.45.ZN x.3.SG
bond x.45.ZN x.6.SG
bond x.45.ZN x.26.SG
bond x.45.ZN x.29.SG
bond x.46.ZN x.17.SG
bond x.46.ZN x.20.SG
bond x.46.ZN x.35.NE2
bond x.46.ZN x.38.ND1
solvatebox x TIP3PBOX 12.0
addions x NA 0
savepdb x try_solv.pdb
saveamberparm x protein.prmtop protein.inpcrd
Error: Could not find bond parameter for: ZN - ZN
Building angle parameters.
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S1 - ZN - ZN
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S1 - ZN - ZN
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S4 - ZN - ZN
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S4 - ZN - N7
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S4 - ZN - ZN
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S4 - ZN - N7
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S1 - ZN - ZN
Error: Could not find angle parameter: S1 - ZN - ZN
Error: Could not find angle parameter: N3 - ZN - ZN
Error: Could not find angle parameter: N3 - ZN - N7
Error: Could not find angle parameter: N7 - ZN - ZN
Building proper torsion parameters.
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-S4
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-S4
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N3
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S1-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-S4
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-S4
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N3
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S1-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-ZN-S1
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-ZN-S1
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-N7-CC
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-N7-CR
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S4-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S4-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-ZN-S1
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-ZN-S1
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-N7-CC
Error: ** No torsion terms for S4-ZN-N7-CR
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S4-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S4-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N3
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S1-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N3
Error: ** No torsion terms for S1-ZN-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for CT-S1-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for CV-N3-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for CV-N3-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for N3-ZN-N7-CC
Error: ** No torsion terms for N3-ZN-N7-CR
Error: ** No torsion terms for CR-N3-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for CR-N3-ZN-N7
Error: ** No torsion terms for CR-N7-ZN-ZN
Error: ** No torsion terms for CC-N7-ZN-ZN
I two Zn are away and are not bonded. Why is tleap asking for these bonded
What is the best way to model this system?
Any help is appreciated.
Aravind R
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sat Dec 11 2021 - 02:30:02 PST