Dear Prof David,
Thank you for your response. I am using AMBER 18 with the configure file
I made the log file which i am attaching. I commented out the
packmol_memgen line in AmberTools/src/MakeFile. but the error is still
persisting. I have also not seen the error before. Previously I was using
Ubuntu 18 with no issues.
Looking forward to your reply
Thank you
On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 4:47 PM David A Case <> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2021, Ayesha Fatima wrote:
> >I am trying to install a serial installation of AMBER18 in my Dell G3
> >machine equipped with Intel core7 processor with Ubuntu 20.04
> >running install_scripts
> >copying build/scripts-2.7/packmol-memgen ->
> >/home/aesha/Documents/amber18/amber18//bin
> >changing mode of /home/aesha/Documents/amber18/amber18//bin/packmol-memgen
> >to 755
> >cp: cannot stat 'packmol_memgen/lib/memembed/bin/memembed': No such file
> or
> >directory
> I've not seen this error before. Can you look at the entire make log to
> look for anything else related to packmol_memgen? (Run "make install >
> make.log" if you don't have a log file.)
> As a workaround, while this problem is being investigated, you could
> comment
> out the lines related to packmol_memgen in AmberTools/src/Makefile.
> (I'm assuming, based on the fact that this is Amber18, that you are still
> using the configure script, and not cmake). This should get
> you going if packmol_memgen is the only problem.
> ...good luck....dac
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- application/octet-stream attachment: make.log1
Received on Thu Nov 25 2021 - 00:00:03 PST