[AMBER] Parameterize small molecules with CGenFF in Amber

From: He, Amy <he.1768.buckeyemail.osu.edu>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 19:56:58 +0000

Dear Amber experts,

I’m using Amber 20 and I was wondering whether there’s a tool/program to generate input files for small molecules using CGenFF (CHARMM General Force Field) in Amber. I tried to look up the default database of “leap” and “chamber”, but I couldn’t find the parameter set.

Could you please tell me if there’s any way to parameterize small molecules with CGenFF in Amber? Is ParmED able to do that, or do we still need to assign the atom types and a PSF file beforehand?

Thank you for your time and kind advice in advance!

Many Thanks,

Amy He
Chemistry Graduate Teaching Assistant
Hadad Research Group
Ohio State University
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Nov 17 2021 - 12:00:02 PST
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