Dear David,
I have just redownloaded both AmberTools and Amber and applied (by hand) the patches before running cmake. Unfortunately, the error messages persist.
Please find attached my cmake.log file.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Rodrigo S. Bitzer
Professor Adjunto A (Assistant Professor)
Molecular Modeling, Computational Catalysis and Supramolecular Chemistry
Departamento de Físico-Química, Instituto de Química
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
From: David A Case <>
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 10:07 PM
To: AMBER Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [AMBER] Error installing amber macOS M1
On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, Rodrigo da Silva Bitzer wrote:
>I have found the following error while running make install:
> 124 | namelist /sebomd/ hamiltonian, &
Something has gone wrong with the update scheme. The above line should not
be line 124 in the sebomd_module.F90 file (after update.1 is installed.)
>amber20_src % ./update_amber --show-applied-patches
>AmberTools 21 Applied Patches:
>update.1 (modifies sander)
The update_amber script thinks that update.1 has been applied, but that
seems not to be the case.
If you ran the original cmake run in the Sept. 14-16 time window (when the
web-site was down), things may be confused. If this is the case, you may
need to start over -- untar the files into a fresh directory, and run
update_amber by hand (before run_cmake).
If you still have problems, posting the cmake.log file (from the run_cmake
script) is more useful than the files you posted here.
...good luck...dac
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- application/octet-stream attachment: cmake.log
Received on Fri Sep 24 2021 - 16:00:03 PDT