On Thu, Apr 29, 2021, Miguel Garavís wrote:
>I did a deep cleaning and tried to install it again. The result is still
>the same.
>CMake Error at cmake/LibraryUtils.cmake:75 (message):
> Could not determine whether
> is a static or shared library, it does not have a known suffix.
>The OSX version I have is MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 (19H15)
>The version of XCode is: 12.4 (12D4e)
>And the clang version is clang-1200.0.32.29
I don't have any more suggestions for now. AmberTools21 will be released
today or tomorrow, so you might try that when it is available.
If you have access (via a friend?) to any other OSX machine, you might try
an installation there. If it works, one could try to see what difference
there is between the two computers.
If time is critical, you could try using the configure option in place of
cmake. See Section 2.5 of the Amber 2020 Reference Manual. Or, you could
install the conda package if that meets your needs.
It seems that very few Amber developers (besides me!) use OSX now, but I
think a lot of users do. We haven't previously seen any such reports since
update.11 was released last October. But maybe someone on the list will
chime in with ideas here.
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 29 2021 - 05:30:05 PDT