Re: [AMBER] Questions about PCA

From: Daniel Roe <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 12:16:42 -0400


On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 12:27 AM Kat G <> wrote:
> 1. From the output modes.dat (calculate eigenvalues for all eigenvectors),
> my first eigenvector only accounts for 14% of the total motion. It requires
> 65 eigenvectors to describe 80% of the total motion. Do you think the
> results are not good? I suppose that the first PC should contribute more
> than 50% and it requires only a few PCs to represent the most dynamic modes
> of the concatenating 3 trajectories.

It's not necessarily that your results "aren't good"; I think it has
more to do with the fact that your results aren't converged. See

> 2. I am trying to define pcmin and pcmax to generate the pseudo-trajectory
> by checking the histogram of PC projection. I notice that the projection of
> the first 3 PCs does not distribute evenly around 0, especially PC1. (png
> files are attached). Since I did center my data before diagonalizing the
> covariance matrix, I suppose 0 should be the center of all PC projections
> from each trajectory. Please correct me if I am wrong.

So I'm assuming a few things from the way you named your attached
figure files, as well as from the legends in the figures. I'm assuming
that traj1-proj.png has the projections for the first 3 principle
components for the first trajectory, and that traj2-proj.png and
traj3-proj.png has the same for the second and third trajectories
respectively. If that is indeed the case, your results aren't
converged because the distributions for the projection of your
principal components do not overlap. For example, look at the
distributions for your first principal component for each trajectory
(black lines in the three figures). As you note, they aren't
distributed about 0, and do not really overlap. This means that in
each trajectory, the motion that ended up being PC 1 from the combined
PCA is different. If you continue each simulation, you'll gradually
see the distributions overlap more and more. You can even quantify
this with the Kullback-Liebler divergence analysis (check the 'kldiv'
keyword of the 'kde' analysis command); this is the kind of analysis
that was done in the following papers:, The supporting info
has the scripts that were used.

Hope this helps,


> Below is the script I used based on the PCA tutorial on Amber.
> parm topo.prmtop
> trajin 500 2000 1
> trajin 500 2000 1
> trajin 500 2000 1
> rms first :1-309.CA
> average crdset avg
> createcrd avg-traj
> run
> crdaction avg-traj rms ref avg :1-309.CA
> crdaction avg-traj matrix covar :1-309.CA name covar-matrix
> runanalysis diagmatrix covar-matrix out evecs.dat vecs 927
> crdaction avg-traj projection traj1 modes evecs.dat beg 1 end 927 :1-309.CA
> crdframes 1,1501 out traj1-projection.dat
> crdaction avg-traj projection traj2 modes evecs.dat beg 1 end 927 :1-309.CA
> crdframes 1502,3002 out traj2-projection.dat
> crdaction avg-traj projection traj3 modes evecs.dat beg 1 end 927 :1-309.CA
> crdframes 3003,last out traj3-projection.dat
> hist traj1:1 bins 100 out hist-traj1.agr norm name traj1-pc1
> hist traj1:2 bins 100 out hist-traj1.agr norm name traj1-pc2
> hist traj1:3 bins 100 out hist-traj1.agr norm name traj1-pc3
> hist traj2:1 bins 100 out hist-traj2.agr norm name traj2-pc1
> hist traj2:2 bins 100 out hist-traj2.agr norm name traj2-pc2
> hist traj2:3 bins 100 out hist-traj2.agr norm name traj2-pc3
> hist traj3:1 bins 100 out hist-traj3.agr norm name traj3-pc1
> hist traj3:2 bins 100 out hist-traj3.agr norm name traj3-pc2
> hist traj3:3 bins 100 out hist-traj3.agr norm name traj3-pc3
> run
> readdata evecs.dat name Evecs
> runanalysis modes name Evecs trajout PC1.pdb pcmin -20 pcmax 20 tmode 1
> trajoutmask :1-309.CA trajoutfmt pdb
> runanalysis modes name Evecs trajout PC2.pdb pcmin -20 pcmax 20 tmode 2
> trajoutmask :1-309.CA trajoutfmt pdb
> runanalysis modes name Evecs trajout PC3.pdb pcmin -20 pcmax 20 tmode 3
> trajoutmask :1-309.CA trajoutfmt pdb
> runanalysis modes name Evecs eigenval out modes.dat
> run
> 3. I would like to filter the motions along PC1/PC2 from the individual
> trajectory. Is it the appropriate script to do?
> parm topo.prmtop
> trajin 500 2000 1
> rms first :1-303.CA
> average crdset avg
> createcrd avg-traj
> run
> readdata evecs.dat
> reaction avg-traj projection myprojection modes evecs.dat out myproject.txt
> beg 1 end 3 :1-303.CA
> filter myprojection:1 min 0 max 4 out filter.dat
> trajout filter-traj1-pc1.pdb
> Again, since the histogram of PC1 projection from traj1 is not center at 0,
> can I set my min and max as 0 and 4, respectively?
> Thank you for your help
> Kat
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Received on Wed May 20 2020 - 09:30:03 PDT
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