Re: [AMBER] how to compute the protein interaction surface with the ligand

From: Thomas Evangelidis <>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 22:56:33 +0200


The results I get from PyMOL are contradictory. I want more or less to
compute the interface surface between the ligand and the protein and as I
stated in my first email, I have hundreds of thousands of them.

load sample.pdb
> select pocket, sample within 3.5 of resn LIG;
> set dot_solvent, 0;
> get_area pocket;
> set dot_solvent, 1;
> get_area pocket;
> select pocket, not resn LIG within 3.5 of resn LIG;
> set dot_solvent, 0;
> get_area pocket;
> set dot_solvent, 1;
> get_area pocket;

molecular surface with the ligand = 1151.064 Angstroms^2
SASA with the ligand = 132.465 Angstroms^2.
molecular surface without the ligand = 793.769 Angstroms^2
SASA without the ligand = 103.238 Angstroms^2

Now I am really confused. These numbers are far from those I got from
cpptraj. The reason I used the "molsurf" command with the "parse" radii is
- as stated in the manual - because I don't have topology files and hence
no info about GB/VDW radii. I could generate topologies, but that would be
much slower than analyzing all these PDB files with PyMOL in batch mode.
Can you please shed some light on this?


On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 00:57, Thomas Evangelidis <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have thousands of PDB files like the attached one and want to calculate
> the surface of the protein atoms that interact with the ligand. I use the
> "molsurf" command in cpptraj with the following input:
> parm sample.pdb
> trajin sample.pdb
> reference sample.pdb parm sample.pdb
> mask ':LIG<:3.5 &! :LIG' maskout selection.txt maskpdb selection.pdb
> molsurf intersurf1 ':LIG<:3.5 &! :LIG' out inter_surf.txt radii parse
> molsurf intersurf2 ':LIG<:3.5' out inter_surf.txt radii parse
> molsurf intersurf3 ':LIG<:3.5 | :LIG' out inter_surf.txt radii parse
> go
> With "mask" I want to check that the selection is correct, which is true.
> However, the numbers look like this:
> #Frame intersurf1 intersurf2 intersurf3
> 1 1815.3845 1615.5031 1615.5031
> It seems that the selection including the ligand has a smaller surface
> than the selection without the ligand (fewer atoms). I guess the reason is
> that the ligand occludes the pocket thus the protein atoms that interact
> with it are no more accessible to the solvent. Is this the right way to
> compute the protein interaction surface with the ligand, and if not, how
> should it be? Should I strip the ligand from the trajectory first?
> Thanks in advance.
> Thomas
> --


Dr. Thomas Evangelidis

Research Scientist

IOCB - Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy
of Sciences <>, Prague,
Czech Republic
CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology
<>, Brno,
Czech Republic

email:, Twitter: tevangelidis
<>, LinkedIn: Thomas Evangelidis

AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon May 18 2020 - 14:00:01 PDT
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