Thanks Gustaf, I am definitely a bit of a novice so much so that I had to look up what you meant by "What shell are you using?" I am using Unix (Fedora) as my operating system and if I I understand what a shell is now, it is bash. Actually, Joanna Michelle E. Chua helped clarify that issue for me yesterday. So I think I am good now, at least in understanding that issue. I am in the process of re-installing Amber 18 since I think my ignorance of some of these issues was responsible for my not properly installing Amber 18 the first time. Thanks again and have a GREAT day.
From: Gustaf Olsson <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 12:49 AM
To: AMBER Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [AMBER] Problems installing Amber 18
Well, if “sentenv” command is not found you are either not using csh or tsch or something else is wrong.
What OS are you using? What shell are you using?
In the terminal, try this:
echo $0
if the output is -bash, -zsh or -ksh you should run the "export AMBERHOME=/home/myname/amber18” command
if the output is csh or tcsh you should run the “setenv AMBERHOME /home/myname/amber18” command
Mind you, this is only stored in memory for the current session. If you close you terminal or terminate the session this “path addition” is lost. To make it permanent you should add the:
test -f /Users/guolaa/SOFTWARE/amber18/ && source /Users/guolaa/SOFTWARE/amber18/
or the csh equivalent. Not sure exactly what that is as I am not using csh though after a successful configuration you will get a message telling you what to put in your profile. What this file will be called and where it is stored? That depends on what OS you are using and if you are using CSH or BASH.
Best regards
// Gustaf
> On 17 Dec 2019, at 22:58, Billiot, Eugene <> wrote:
> Oops, when I received a copy of the email I sent the "error" was not highlighted. The error is on the last line which is "bash: setenv: command not found..."
> ________________________________
> From: Billiot, Eugene <>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:54 PM
> To: AMBER Mailing List <>
> Subject: [AMBER] Problems installing Amber 18
> Hello Folks,
> I am installing Amber 18, the instructions state that after extracting the Amber 18 and AmberTools 19 to set AMBERHOME environment by following the instructions below. When use the "export" commad no error appears so I assume all is well. However, everytime I try to use the setenv command I get the error highlighted in yellow below. Do I need to do the "export" and "setenv" commands or just one of the two.
> 1. First, extract the files in some location (we use /home/myname as an example here):
> cd /home/myname
> tar xvfj AmberTools19.tar.bz2 # (Note: extracts in an
> # “amber18” directory)
> tar xvfj Amber18.tar.bz2 # (only if you have licensed Amber 18!)
> 2. Next, set your AMBERHOME environment variable:
> export AMBERHOME=/home/myname/amber18 # (for bash, zsh, ksh, etc.)
> setenv AMBERHOME /home/myname/amber18 # (for csh, tcsh)
> [AmberPc.localhost AmberTools]$ setenv AMBERHOME /home/clewis/amber18
> bash: setenv: command not found...
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Received on Wed Dec 18 2019 - 07:00:03 PST