[AMBER] Amber updates brings duplicate patch

From: viktor drobot <linux776.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 12:50:44 +0300

Compiling AMBER today and got the following warning:

Preparing to apply updates... please wait.
Downloading updates for AmberTools 19
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.1 (4.48 KB)
Applying AmberTools 19/update.1
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.2 (1.24 KB)
Applying AmberTools 19/update.2
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.3 (2.46 KB)
Applying AmberTools 19/update.3
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.4 (28.16 MB)
Downloading: [::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] 100.0%
Applying AmberTools 19/update.4
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.5 (1.36 KB)
Applying AmberTools 19/update.5
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.6 (16.04 KB)
Applying AmberTools 19/update.6
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.7 (1.05 KB)
Applying AmberTools 19/update.7
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.8 (13.97 MB)
Downloading: [::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] 100.0%
Applying AmberTools 19/update.8
PatchingWarning: Previously applied patch detected. Skipping.
   warnings.warn('Previously applied patch detected. Skipping.',
Downloading AmberTools 19/update.9 (319.49 KB)
Downloading: [::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] 100.0%
Applying AmberTools 19/update.9

Seems like update.8 contains duplicate patch from earlier updates. May
it be just ignored?

AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Nov 20 2019 - 02:00:02 PST
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