On Wed, Dec 05, 2018, Pedro H. Oliveira wrote:
>I have installed the serial version of Amber18 successfully using clang.
>I would need to compile parallel (MPI), so I ran ./configure -mpi clang.
Key thing is what MPI you are using. Look at the output of
"mpicc -show" and "mpif90 -show".
I've used openmpi, but only when I built it myself, using the
"configure_openmpi" script in $AMBERHOME/AmberTools/src. You might try
that. (I'd be wary right now of version 4, which was just released, but
I can't find my notes on what problem I found.)
Also, which program were you compiling when you ran into the error
messages you report?
Maybe someone on the list has used homebrew MPI, and can help out.
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Received on Wed Dec 05 2018 - 18:30:02 PST