Re: [AMBER] QM/MM using Amber and Gaussian: Discrepancies between the QM energy from the gaussian output file and the energy reported in the mdout file as EXTERNESCF

From: Antoine MARION <>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2018 17:22:56 +0300

Dear Eric,

As far as I see from the code, you should also subtract the “Self energy of the charges” (as found in the Gaussian output) to match EXTERNESCF.
Probably to avoid double counting. (?)

EXTERNESCF = E(RwB97XD) - self_energy


-- Dr. Antoine MARION
Assistant Professor
Doktor Öğretim Üyesi

Department of Chemistry
Middle East Technical University
06800, Ankara, Turkey

Office: O-310
Email: <>
Phone: +90 312 210 51 44

> On 4 Dec 2018, at 14:36, Eric Lang <> wrote:
> Dear Amber Developers and Users,
> I am running some single point QM/MM in Sander (compiled as Amber16+AmberTools17) using Gaussian 09.
> The calculations run ok, but I think something is not quite right with the extraction of the QM energy from the gaussian output file: the EXTERNESCF energy in the mdout file in kcal/mol doesn’t match the final energy (last ‘SCF Done’ line or ‘HF’ at the very end of the Gaussian file) when converted to kcal/mol using the conversion used in Amber (AU_TO_KCAL = 6.2750946943E+02).
> I would think they should be the same.
> Am I missing something obvious in the way the calculations are done or is there a problem with the way the gaussian output files are parsed?
> Here is the output form Amber:
> 1 -5.0519E+05 1.3953E+01 1.1652E+02 CA 1579
> BOND = 456.4977 ANGLE = 1327.2559 DIHED = 2177.6750
> VDWAALS = 8267.2236 EEL = -89612.1756 HBOND = 0.0000
> 1-4 VDW = 625.9136 1-4 EEL = 7948.6914 RESTRAINT = 0.0000
> EXTERNESCF = -436379.7510
> And here is the final energy from Gaussian
> SCF Done: E(RwB97XD) = -3178.95512525 A.U.
> Which gives -1994824.4 kcal/mol and not -436379.7510 kcal/mol as found in EXTERNESCF.
> Many thanks in advance for your help,
> Eric
> --
> Eric Lang
> Centre for Computational Chemistry
> School of Chemistry - University of Bristol
> Bristol BS8 1TS - United Kingdom
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