[AMBER] Sander 01_Min.out error

From: <leifepeterson.sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2018 21:23:44 -0500

When trying the Alanine leap example, after copying the leap outputs and
other files into the binary folder /amber18/bin (this is just temporary to
test sander), and using the following command:


./sander -O -i 01_Min.in -o 01_Min.out -p prmtop -c inpcrd -r 01_Min.rst
-inf 01_Min.mdinfo


I get an output for 01_Min.out which looks like:




          Amber 18 SANDER 2018



| Run on 09/15/2018 at 21:05:48


| Executable path: ./sander

| Working directory: /home/lep/amber18/bin

| Hostname: Unknown

  [-O]verwriting output


File Assignments:

| MDIN: 01_Min.in

| MDOUT: 01_Min.out

|INPCRD: inpcrd

| PARM: prmtop

|RESTRT: 01_Min.rst

| REFC: refc

| MDVEL: mdvel

| MDFRC: mdfrc

| MDEN: mden

| MDCRD: mdcrd

|MDINFO: 01_Min.mdinfo

| MTMD: mtmd

|INPDIP: inpdip

|RSTDIP: rstdip

|INPTRA: inptraj



Here is the input file:














   1.  RESOURCE   USE: 
| Flags:
 getting new box info from bottom of inpcrd
|  INFO: Old style inpcrd file read
| peek_ewald_inpcrd: Box info not found in inpcrd
FYI - the contents of inpcrd are:
   2.0000010   1.0000000  -0.0000013   2.0000010   2.0900000   0.0000001
   1.4862640   2.4538490   0.8898240   1.4862590   2.4538520  -0.8898200
   3.4274200   2.6407950  -0.0000030   4.3905800   1.8774060  -0.0000066
   3.5553754   3.9696488  -0.0000031   2.7331200   4.5561601  -0.0000013
   4.8532621   4.6139253  -0.0000043   5.4075960   4.3155388   0.8898152
   5.6613044   4.2208425  -1.2321480   5.1232615   4.5213630  -2.1312016
   6.6304840   4.7189354  -1.2057907   5.8085401   3.1408724  -1.2413850
   4.7126759   6.1294185   0.0000014   3.6006445   6.6527027   0.0000062
   5.8460533   6.8348833   0.0000025   6.7370014   6.3591620  -0.0000004
   5.8460551   8.2838837   0.0000062   4.8185761   8.6477349   0.0000104
   6.3597984   8.6477313   0.8898283   6.3597900   8.6477354  -0.8898187
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Received on Sat Sep 15 2018 - 19:30:02 PDT
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