[AMBER] Help

From: Balajee Ramachandran <rbalajeebio.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 16:55:26 -0300

Dear friends,

I am new to this group!!!

I am executing explicitly with TIP3P 10A. It completes the process and
when opening in VMD, it accepts all the file like heat, equil and density.
But, the MD file is not getting opened. My inputs parameters are given

production test_1
  nstlim=2500000, dt=0.002,
  ntc=2, ntf=1, igb=1
  ntpr=100000, ntwx=25000, ntwr=100000,
  ntt=3, gamma_ln=2.0, temp0=310.0,

Expecting the reply.

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Received on Fri Oct 16 2015 - 13:00:06 PDT
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