On Mon, 2015-02-23 at 15:36 +0330, Fatemeh Sadat Alavi wrote:
> when I run minimization step, I look at the structure, with help VMD to
> visualize complex_solvated.pdb and complex_solvated_min2.pdb
> ( ambpdb -p complex_solvated.prmtop < complex_solvated.inpcrd >
> complex_solvated.pdb
> ambpdb -p complex_solvated.prmtop < min2.rst > complex_solvated_min2.pdb )
You can visualize the prmtop and incprd files directly with VMD... no
need to create a PDB file. See
> I compared the starting structure and the minimized structure. I can see the
> the structure has changed slightly, and I think that there are no major
> problem.
> If I don't have good minimized structure, What do I do? How do I understand
> it?
Look at the maximum gradient in the output file of the minimization. It
looks something like this:
1 -2.1262E+03 2.2137E+01 1.2322E+02 CA 1102
BOND = 631.8993 ANGLE = 898.2543 DIHED = 566.4453
VDWAALS = -768.3629 EEL = -7874.4913 EGB = -1943.0838
1-4 VDW = 348.8246 1-4 EEL = 5980.5047 RESTRAINT = 0.0000
ESURF = 33.8338
In this case, GMAX is 123.22 kcal/mol/A. A large gradient means large
forces that will blow up your system.
If your minimized structure is not minimized enough, either you did not
run a long enough minimization or your system cannot be satisfactorily
minimized (for instance, if your box dimensions are wrong).
> As I said before, I calculated MD (heating) with ntwx=1 ntpr=1 ntslim=100 ,I
> saw heat.mdcrd and complex_solvated.prmtop files by chimera software!
> When I use ptraj comment, I can't show RMSD of diagram because I have zero
> for all.
> I use this script (rmsd.in) :
> "trajin heat.mdcrd
> reference min2.rst
> rms reference out RMSD.rms "
> and then I run;
> ptraj complex_solvated.prmtop < rmsd.in
> please give your valuable comment.
I'll suggest what I suggested last time: use cpptraj to see if there are
any particle overlaps between periodic images of your particles. See my
last email for how to do that.
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 23 2015 - 05:30:02 PST