[AMBER] Correct script for B-factor

From: Soumendranath Bhakat <bhakatsoumendranath.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 17:38:19 +0200

Dear Amberists;

I wish to calculate B factor but I am getting huge values something like

I think I am missing aligning with a reference structure. Below a script
please see if it is fine or there is any mistake

trajin md1_dry.mdcrd
reference Full_Mini.rst
atomicfluct out bfactor.dat :1-198.CA byres bfactor

or this one

trajin md1_dry.mdcrd
reference Full_Mini.rst
rms reference out rms_min.dat .CA
atomicfluct out bfactor.dat :1-198.CA byres bfactor

Please let me know which one of the script ok or will I need to allign it
against average PDB instaed of Full_Mini.rst?

previously I used the following script but I am getting wired values such
as 40539.6099

trajin md1_dry.mdcrd
reference Full_Mini.rst
atomicfluct out bfactor.dat :1-198.CA byres bfactor

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards;
Soumendranath Bhakat
Molecular Modelling and Drug Design Research Group
Discipline of Pharmaceutical Sciences
UKZN, Westville
Weblink: http://soliman.ukzn.ac.za/Home.aspx
Past: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India
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Received on Fri Nov 28 2014 - 08:00:03 PST
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