[AMBER] Amber 14 and NetCDF installation issue

From: Fernando Ezequiel Chain <FernandoEzequiel.Chain.UGent.be>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:14:37 +0100

Dear all, following the instructions to install Amber14, I get to the
same error after executing "./configure gnu". I tried three times,
starting with clean installs, but I keep getting the same error. Any
help would be kindly appreciated.

linux.Ubuntu1404:~/Downloads/Amber 14/amber14$ ./configure gnu
Checking for updates...
Checking for available patches online. This may take a few seconds...

Available AmberTools 14 patches:

No patches available

Available Amber 14 patches:

No patches available
./configure2: 128: [: /home/linux/Downloads/Amber: unexpected operator
stat: cannot stat ?/home/linux/Downloads/Amber?: No such file or directory
stat: cannot stat ?14/amber14?: No such file or directory
./configure2: 136: [: !=: unexpected operator
Searching for python2... Found python2.7: /usr/bin/python2.7

Obtaining the gnu suite version:
       gcc -v
The version is 4.8.2

Testing the gcc compiler:
      gcc -DSYSV -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -o testp testp.c

Testing the g++ compiler:
      g++ -o testp testp.cpp

Testing the gfortran compiler:
      gfortran -O0 -o testp testp.f

Testing mixed C/Fortran compilation:
testp.c.o testp.c
      gfortran -O0 -c -o testp.f.o testp.f
testp.c.o testp.f.o -lgfortran -w

Testing pointer size:
test_pointer_size test_pointer_size.c
Detected 64 bit operating system.

Testing flex: OK

Checking NetCDF...
        Using bundled NetCDF library.
        Starting NetCDF build.
        Configuring NetCDF C interface (may be time-consuming)...
Error: NetCDF C configure returned 1
        NetCDF configure failed! Check the netcdf_config.log file
        in the /home/linux/Downloads/Amber 14/amber14/AmberTools/src directory.
Configure failed due to the errors above!
linux.Ubuntu1404:~/Downloads/Amber 14/amber14$

PC specifications: Ubuntu 64 bits 14.04 LTS
Processor: Intel® Core? i3-3217U CPU . 1.80GHz × 4
Graphics: Intel® Ivybridge Mobile

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Received on Thu Nov 27 2014 - 01:30:02 PST
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